Car #4 - Topology

So, I added all the extra details. I have to do something about the side intakes so I am going model for it and also some bucket seats. I think I can add some dirt and grim around the wheels. They hopefully tonight I can learn how to rig it for creating a animation this weekend. I’m trying to figure out why the indirect lighting is bouncing white onto the ground.

Intake I might do on side.

Sorry about this double response. Im not sure how to remove the second post.

The car with all the added up stuff.

I finally converted the car into cycles and I fixed some topology on a few things. There are a few more details to add later tonight.

Very interesting model. I keep meaning to try modeling a car soon but haven’t gotten around to it yet. The angle in the first image above almost makes the car look like it doesn’t have a specific front or back.

I find it more simple then I thought compared to the first model of a car I did. Since I am more focused on detail and topology. Its coming out pretty decent. As to the front and back, there is definitely sides. I just think its the angle and I will come up with better angles and animations with rigging.

I noticed a error with the bumper topology so I fixed it and a few things. I didn’t want to do a interior but I feel something is needed for the door just in case I do a overview I’m shoot then adding effects later like light glare and glow.

Recent picture.

keep up the great work! :smiley: