Caminandes: Llamigos is finished!

That was a brilliant one. Made. My. Day.
Yes I know you were trying to be serious, we know were of different opinion, so never mind, its nothing personal, no offense :cool:.

greetings, Kologe

Good work :slight_smile:

Thank you for illustrating your ignorance of how important a well-written script is to a short film, including BBB and Caminandes.

Yes, I know you aren’t aware of your limitations in this regard, so never mind, it’s nothing personal, no offence. :rolleyes:

I have to agree with most here… very well done in terms of look and feel! And of course it was a typical cartoon… it’s what works. The timing was great and the transitions kept it relatively interesting. The 2-3 min is perfect as far as I’m concerned, but please, let’s not go back to BBB. It was ok for it’s time, but even then I wasn’t crazy about it. Maybe it’s a generational thing, but I’d prefer this style any day!

@BTolputt: Nothing to be illustrated here, the thing is: When you say “short film” I might just well hear e.g. “A Murderer (Mordertwo)”, “A Toothful Smile (Usmiech Zebiczny)” or “When Angels Fall (Gdy spadaja anioly)” [all by Roman Polanski].
So it,- as stated - comes down to our usual difference in opinion/taste, not quite anyone`s “limitations” or “ignorance”, my dear Mr. Tolputt.

Polanski himself said it very well:“When youre out of film-academy, you want to be original & innovative. Story line was sth. old-fashioned. But when ones past this phase, one realizes, we first have to know, what is to be told, & if one ain`t nothing to say, one better leaves it be.” [Roman Polanski]

(I translated this from a quote I read in german, so it may be translated unskillfully.)

But yes, sure, what would Polanski know about film-making… who is that dude anyway?^^

greetings, Kologe

Very nice episode indeed. I feel the quality is really stepping up with each installement.
I personnaly don’t like the soundtrack though…

Congratulations on remaining condescending whilst still completely missing the point. Do everyone a favour and take it elsewhere, it has no bearing whatsoever on this thread and no-one, myself included, wants to hear more about your views about on Polanski here.