Caminandes 2 is out!!

Clap, clap, clap
Good show!

I loved this and can’t wait to get my USB card well done guys. I wish the could be more of these smaller shorts because I think the quality on them could really pushed.

The noise on the posts at 1:50 is pretty bad which doesn’t bode well considering these are very nearly perfect conditions for pathtracing.

But other than that, neat.

I had to watch it twice to realize he disabled the fence when he spit on it at 1:56. Not sure why I didn’t get that the first time.

But for rest, top production! Always love the Looney Tunes style of animation.

Enjoyed the realism of the action. The irony was tops. Great short!

Yeah, we debated about how/whether to make that more obvious. If you happen to get the USB card, you can check out the original ending as it was scripted.
I guess when making a movie you’re always learning.

freen, this was one of the best I’ve experienced so far, loved it and really hope to see more if it ends up happening :smiley:

Great ! That’s very funny story. LOL

Very very good :slight_smile:

USB Card has arrived for those who, like me, have been struggling to find out how this work. Simple flip the metallic part toward Koro’s picture. IMHO this USB card is a bad design.

Genuinely funny.
Genuinely well made.

I love it, Love it AND LOVE IT!!!

Awesome job. I laughed with the first one , this one has been even funnier. The quality of the animation was top notch. It reminds me a lot of the Road Runner shows, which I am a big fan of. The turning off of the Sun was very unexpected hehe, I love it when I am surprised.

The ending was awesome.