Build sorted list from list?

I learned python by working in the bge, and asking questions here,

I don’t do well with tutorials,

How about assigning a score to each light hook?

I’m assuming you can already get the list of light hooks and lights, so I won’t add the code for that, but to sort based on score try:

import bge

def light_manager(cont):
    own = cont.owner
    scene = own.scene
    ### you already got the list of light hooks somehow
    light_hooks = own['light_hooks']
    light_list = own['light_list']    
    ### we are going to append to a scored list
    score_list = []
    ### this is the player's front axis, usually the "Y" axis
    front_vect = own.getAxisVect([0.0,1.0,0.0])
    ### we need a key function for sorting the hooks, unless you want to use a lambda
    def get_key(item):
        ### item is (light_hook,score) so we need the second index, or [1]
        return item[1]
    ### let's get a score for each light_hook
    for light_hook in light_hooks:  
        score = 20000
        distance, global_vect, local_vect = own.getVectTo(light_hook)   
        angle = front_vect.angle(global_vect)
        ### with close lights distance is more important than angle         
        ### you could get the camera angle if you want to be acurate, else lets just say around 90 degrees
        ### there's lots you could do here to make the score calculation more complicated
        if distance > 12.0 and angle > 0.78:
            score -= distance * 2.0
            score -= distance
        ### you could use a dictionary, or a class here, but a list or tuple is fine as we know 
        ### the score will be the second object on the list
    ### now we sort the list, using get_key() as the sorting key
    ### you don't have to write get_key(item), as the item is automatically the thing passed to get_key
    sorted_hooks=  sorted(score_list, key=get_key)  
    ### you now have a list sorted by score      
    ### if you want only the hooks, not the score (it's not important now) you can rebuild the list
    sorted_hooks = [ob[0] for ob in sorted_hooks] 
    ### if you wanted a list the same length as your light list you could slice it by using a slice [:] = [start:end]
    ### we want the list to end at the same point as the light list so we specify the end point [:len(light_list)]
    ### but the start point stays at 0, so we don't need to touch that, i.e. not = [0:len(light_list)]
    sorted_hooks = sorted_hooks[:len(light_list)]

And here’s a really nice python sorting tutorial:

The >>> thing threw me at first too, as I’m used to writing a script and then having it run instead of entering commands line by line.

Thank you smoking mirror, I will try and get it running in game tonight,