BlenRig 6 Release

Wow FXR, it’s nice to hear you used that :smiley:

By the way, I’m already working on a much more detailed human model, that’s why I haven’t rigged any of the BlenRig 4 models with the current rig. I still have to finish that model, and rigging it might be part of some video tutorials series too.

Craig Jones, aka Craigomatic: you’re the best , hope you’re doing well! :smiley:

Yeah, there was so much work and thought that went into it. hECK, i even have a variant for a passion scene with Christ and the cross. Bet you didn’t expect that? Only one request though, on this next evolution of your human model, if feasible, no spiral loops. I cut 'em out, then re meshed for self contained loops.
Anyway, It’s hard to conceive the next gen model could be “much more detailed”

I get that projects need support, and that you’ve chosen to use Blender Cloud for the vehicle. But if you’re going to make it available on Git, don’t you think it at least should have a README that tells you where to put things so you can see it in action?

There is a how-to on the link you just provided.

Well, hmmm… I don’t see it.

I see the readme.rst, and in it:


You will find the rig in the Object Add Panel, under the Armature Menu.
In the View3d Tools Panel you will find all the animation controls. In the Armature Data Panel you will find all the rigging related tools.
You can find more information at

And the link to the Blender cloud shows you a quick document that you can only get if you are a cloud subscriber.

Am I missing something?

Because nothing I see shows you how to install the rig so it can be used. And, you may say: “Well, that’s obvious, its Python after all” but my point is that to be useful for people who want to experiment, it should not be assumed that everyone knows how to install a python add on… don’t you think?

As I said, Juan Pablo can do whatever he wants with this, it is his work after all… but if the purpose of making it available on GIT was to get feedback from those not subscribing to Blender Cloud, then I would think it needs a little more “Free documentation” – that’s all…

  1. Download Zip-file
  2. Start Blender and go to user preferences>add-ons
  3. Choose install from file
  4. Activate add-on with tick-box

The documentation is sorely needed. Even though I’m a cloud subscriber, I would definitely say that the pdf docs should be available with the free download. The (eventual) videos would be a great incentive for the cloud subscription.

Hi guys, Mark, initially this is Cloud content, it’s not that I want the project to be closed, but the truth is that the Cloud is funding it right now.

As m9105826 says, yes, it would be great that the PDF is freely available once the video tutorials are out. That will be pretty soon I think. But well, what will happen to the pdf once that happens also depends from the decisions of the Blender institute.

Mark, in the meantime if you can’t subscribe to the cloud, just sent me a private message and I’ll gladly send you a link. :slight_smile:

Somebody make a video tutorial.

haha, I’m doing a video tutorial right now, for the Blender Cloud. It’s the first of several video tutorials about BlenRig 5 that will be published there.

I think that’s it’s fine where it is now. The blog post on setting it up for the penguin is enough info for people to fumble around and figure out the rest on their own. I do think it would be good to make that post only a click away from the download page or you could just put that info in the download page.

Some more game related information:

An option to create a deformer rig with less bones would be useful. I tried just exporting the blenrig itself and ended up with a 90mb .fbx file. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bone stretching mechanisms probably wouldn’t work either, when exported to .fbx constraints don’t work, and if bones are scaled (when the actions are baked) all of the child bones are scaled as well which would lead to rigs basically exploding. The face rig seems to be reliant on scaling as well so that wouldn’t work either in its current state, although maybe stuff could be changed for the “game rig”.

It would also be good if you were able to use content from the engines themselves and animations from sites like mixamo with the rig (by retargeting in the game engine). I don’t know how easy this would be to set up though, I know for example that UE4 has twist bones for the arms and legs (and I’m not sure those are in blenrig).

Anyway, I don’t know how interested anyone else is in having a reasonable game rig for use with engines like UE4 and unity, but since those game engines are free now I think strengthening those ties would only make blender more appealing to more people. So, while this rig is sure to be great for feature films, short films made in blender and stuff like that, I hope people take a second look at the game side as well.

Hi Cyaoeu! Thanks for the info and interest. Yep, I definitely will be making a research on the game topic on February or March. As I said, I have to do this research already for a project with theory animation, so I think that something will come out of that.

Can´t figure out how to add the mesh deform cage, though, Just get the rig :stuck_out_tongue: No biggie, will wait for tutorials in the cloud :slight_smile:

Yay that’s so awesome it makes me glad that I am on the cloud. I set myself the goal of learning animation and rigging this year so at the moment I am unfortunately avoiding Rigify and Blenrig so that I learn from the ground up but it’s nice to know that I have a production level rig to take apart and study later on.

I hope with the movies winding down that some of the cloud money is put to paying some of the advanced Blender Guys and Gals to make some top notch tutorial material. I certainly wouldn’t mind a Humane Rigging style tutorial on deformations, weighting, mesh deform etc.

Right now, I wish I could change my username to ‘Curious Chimp’ :frowning:

Will this work with a model that is made up of a few different parts?

BrilliantApe, The mesh deform cage, lattices and optional low res body are all added when you add the rig, but they are in other layers. I didn’t want to add all those object into one layer cause you would have to go crazy moving objects from layers later on. If you take a closer look to the pdf manual, you’ll notice that beneath the pictures of mdef cage, lattices and low res body model, I mention the layers they are on.

Hey Tyrant Monkey! Long time no see :D. Well, in the video tutorials I’m doing I’ll cover some of those topics, as I do all that in real time. Nevertheless, my intention is to do an advanced character creation tutorial at some point this year.

John Lancaster, yes, you just have to add the modifiers like Armature or Mesh deform to each part of the model.

Doh! Should´ve checked that :stuck_out_tongue: