Blender's future on Mac is in jepordy and we're looking for support

Not really. The Mac he is referring to is probably the hardware, the linux would be the OS.

Of course I dont buy the argument that mac hardware is magically any better or different than what you can get on the PC side, and all PCs can easily boot to linux. The “easily” isnt available for mac as far as I know.

Oh, well the way he phrased it, I thought he meant trying to put Linux inside of OSX (or OSX inside of Linux) itself rather than replacing OSX entirely for professional work.:spin:

Hmm should be possible to do that as well via a Virtual Machine. I wouldnt use these for production though as they eat up resources.
Basically a virtual machine can run as a window, and within that window is another OS. This has a mac version so its possible.

Example of someone doing it.

Its a good way to test out linux builds while keeping it temporary.

I use this often for testing applications (and database backups believe it or not) on various platforms. It should be noted that, although much improved recently, there can be the occasional odd glitch in running OGL apps & similar “hardware latency sensitive” applications in a virtual machine though. I’ve had both OpenGL applications & music software that ran fine in the dual-boot OS on the same hardware fail in the VirtualBox VM hosted in a different OS (Linux dual-boot vs Linus inside Windows VirtualBox host).

Another anti apple thread, mostly driven by the usual suspects.
Anyway, one year ago… just for fun.

No one is irrationally hating on Apple, but when you have reports of major OSX graphical issues from all over the CG and professional artist communities (not just BA), it’s pretty hard to ignore.

Sorry, Michalis, as a Mac user and developer of applications for the Mac & iOS platforms - this is well-deserved criticism. The post above gives a good overview of this situation (with links) and as someone who works on code using the GPU myself (personal research into accelerating deep-learning of neural networks on the GPU) - this is a frustration I’ve encountered a couple of times myself.

Apple often does come under criticism it doesn’t deserve. In this case, however, the issue is squarely in their arena to fix and they’re just not motivated to do so.

I need a clear announcement from the blender foundation.
If they drop support on the GPU cycles rendering, OK, anyway I don’t use it.
If they’ll stop building blender for OSX is another matter.
If it is a OGL issue, if I have to de activate something from prefs, that’s still OK for me.
If no blender at all for OSX, I have to know, and have to know it as soon as possible please.

This is the clear announcement from the BF that the long-time maintainer for OSX stopped his support. There is a temporary replacement maintainer for the time being, but be aware that in the near future, when things like OpenSubdiv and the viewport project/OpenGL upgrade (which now is looking like a jump to 3.2 rather than 2.1) are finally in place, there will likely be big issues with OSX support for fancy features, not to mention ongoing Cycles difficulties. So, you’ll still have Blender on OSX (and existing version of Blender will, obviously, always exist), but there are certain issues likely to crop up involving OpenCL and OpenGL on OSX that Blender devs are powerless to do anything about.

speaking of which, does anyone know when the viewport FX will hit master?

anywhere blog I can check etc?

There are two things to remember here. I (and many others) think that Apple’s computers are great for users. I really like my Mac Mini (I also have a PC+Win7) from user’s point of perspective. But that programming… I wish Apple could make it easier and that there would be more options, but Apple seems to concentrate on their own way of doing things.

It returns an error
Anyway, I’m aware of Jens and the new developer.
Here’s the new 3dcoat, it runs on OGL, OSX.
The viewport is far more powerful and better than in blender. Probably a 2.1 think.
Then, I also own zbrush (quite a different app),

Just had some fun and lot of love following the development of blender sculpting.
Jumping to another OS is out of question. Can’t afford to buy licenses for WIN (ZB, 3dc, adobe, audio apps etc etc)
In the end, this blender proves to be the most expensive application around. (Not the best though)
Staying with an older blender version is out of question too.

Michalis, even illegitimate licenses of windows are supposedly given a free upgrade to 10, or you can run linux which is free. For some applications you can try to run them in a virtual environment while on another OS OR see which ones can carry over to another OS. Some are free, some have a small fee, and others you can just email support and get a transfer.

At the very least, pull off a hackintosh

Why is staying with an older version of Blender out of the question? I mean if you are happy with it now…then it should be fine. Otherwise I would start looking at different 3d apps…there are not many that work well with mac. C4D maybe? The problem is it will never change the fact that macs right now are not 3D (dcc) friendly and there’s no indication of their interest lining up with that in the future. Their long term interest is more in the mobile arena.

I would seriously start considering the long term transition to another OS.
Also you might want to follow this development:

Now out of curiosity is openGL purely driven by Apple or is NVIDIA also supplying openGL driver?

Seriously SaintHaven, I don’t take you seriously, not really offensive. Your proposal just don’t work for me.
I’m expecting an announcement from the BF team and have none so far,
SaintHaven or BeerBaron, or even some moderators like m9105826, are not qualified for what I’m asking.
Basically these are the usual suspects, already said this.
Maybe some moderators, still trolling though.
This is my opinion.
Some moderators may not violating written rules
However have a look of what democracy means.
By Thoukydides
“Against this fear is our chief safeguard,
teaching us to obey the magistrates and the laws, particularly such as
regard the protection of the injured, whether they are actually on the
statute book, or belong to that code which, although unwritten, yet
cannot be broken without acknowledged disgrace.”

“acknowledged disgrace”
You possibly understand it, all of you. It’s in english language.
After all I need a physician, right? Right? Not really?
Please Claas, try to understand what’s going on here. Sorry friend, but you have to.

Well, firstly, in case it needs spelling out - there is no democracy at work here. Apple is not a democracy. The Blender Foundation is not a democracy. These forums are not a democracy. I honestly have no idea where you’re going with talk about that forum of governance because it honestly has no bearing whatsoever to the discussion.

Finally, the moderators are not trolling here. OSX suffers from bad OpenGL drivers. They suffer from this because Apple only allows new drivers to be installed via their built-in update system and they’re not updating them. Look at my history here, michalis, and consider the fact I work on and develop for Apple computers and devices.

Do you really think I would be leaping to the defence of the Blender Foundation developer if the criticism was deserved? Do you honestly think someone that makes a living from working on and developing for Apple devices would be trolling against the platform?

It sucks, for me, for you, and for all the OSX developers/users… but this is a problem that falls squarely on Apple’s shoulders. There is nothing the Blender Foundation can do about it because Apple (at the decision making level) really doesn’t give a toss about Blender. Blender is not even a blip on their radar when it comes to user base, 3D is a blip… but not really one that outweighs the priorities in “computers as appliances” market.

Why exactly dont you use GPU rendering?

Your extreme level of butthurt on this topic is making you look somewhat insane.

Thanks BTolputt
I have to get out of here as soon as possible.
An interesting thread. I will provide links to it when spreading the news.
Blender foundation stops OSX support, see here. Something like that.
No, please tell me if this isn’t correct.
Still waiting for a valid announcement though, from qualified persons only!

I have a dated, still very nice ATI HD 5870, very happy when sculpting (dyntopo up to 1.5M) but that’s all.
And a dual Xeon 16 threads CPU. Very happy.
I don’t really care about GPU rendering support.
Here, they say, OSX blender support will stop. Not the Cycles GPU, the whole thing.
I believe they will do so. Let’s spread the news then. The faster the better.

If you simply decide to stop using programs that no longer work well on OSX, you’ll eventually have to leave CG entirely and start sculpting real blocks of stone. The reason is because unless Apple really cleans house with their OpenGL issues, none of the 3D software that is out there is going to work without issues.

As I said Ace, I will link this thread around.
And, I own zbrush and 3dcoat.
You probably missed it. As usual, you missed the essence.