Blender PBR viewport Branch v0.2

And , if a compatible glsl pbr render ran in the bge,
It would be competitive with current gen engines.


it’s not open gl,
your gpu’s shader model is out dated
get a notebook that’s not from the 3dfx era :wink:

Yeah and while we are at it, let’s add Screen space reflections and real time GI
couple that with what I presume will be simple interface of Blender 101, and Source film maker is out of the game, replaced with blender

And I’m sure Hypersomniac shares this desire,
I mean imagine rendering this mech that he made, in blender instead of a game engine of all things, no need to make blue prints or anything
just, animate

Anything you can make in unity and ue4 I think soon we will be able to run in the game engine,

anything that has a workload to high for python, you can write a native function for,
and we have active bge developers now, (UPBGE)

Imagine acting in real time and recording it in the engine using a mouse or Xbox controller etc.
…and if you wish, rendering it with cycles after,
(support for two mice would be neat, but I guess it’s really hard)

That’s completely wrong. Those engines offer a lot more besides physically based rendering that is not possible in the Blender Game Engine.

Is going to be a mac version soon?

BluePrintRandom you do know you ruin almost every blender thread with this game engine swill

Only realtime GLSL mostly :smiley:

and it is possible to do quite a bit, and the source be open.

Realtime GLSL PBR in the viewport, means it’s already using the new drawing code we need downstairs in that there game engine.

Edit: Mention != Ruin.

Looks cool!

One thing I’m not seeing though is Disney Principled PBR shaders. Has that been cancelled or something?

I am a little confused here now.

This this allow you to use Cycles shader and preview approximations in realtime while the real rendering then will be more realistic?

With realistic for example I mean showing reflections of other objects in glossy materials and not just a glossy ref. of a light source.

Very impressive! I’m curious to hear what you have in mind for the future as far as possible GI/reflection solutions. Screen space would be cool, but something akin to VXGI would be the real icing on this cake.

How does it cope with unclipped sun values, and how can you correct for clipped sun values if they are already clipped (like most HDRs).
What PBR approach is being used (roughness/metallic, specular/glossiness), and is AO an input? Also, would like to know if metallic also fades to white at edges.

So, say we use this new material, how easy is it to transform to an anisotropic shading model, and how easy is it to add a separate polishing/glossy/coating layer? Is it really this flexible?

I have updated the driver for my GeForce 740M to latest 361.43 on my win7 64 bits, but I still can not get it work, any more solution? Thanks

GPUShader: compile error:
WARNING: 3:2275: Only GLSL version > 110 allows postfix “F” or “f” for float
ERROR: 3:2957: ‘{’ : syntax error syntax error

This is a bug, report it to the author.

To be specific, the shader is lacking a #version directive, hence the compiler defaults to GLSL version 1.1. One of the pitfalls with OpenGL is that each GPU driver has its own compiler which may or may not be strict enough to cause an error here.

OP: This looks amazing!!! I model in Blender and texture in Substance Designer/Painter… if this can achieve some level of viewport parity between the two with metal/rough workflow, that would be a dream come true. Thanks for all your work! (<— Clément Foucault)

Great pbr/blender release :slight_smile: thank you “Clément Foucault”
Looking forward to solve the “real-time reflection” between objects issue …

How did you get that transparent shadow ? Does it work using a regular cycles render ?

I’ve updated the build with a patch for your issue (same download link as before on my website). Tell me if it works or not .

First a sun lamp positioned where the sun would be. Then a ground plane with this node setup:

The image texture is the HDR. Lastly you adjust the sun lamp’s size for the hardness of the shadow, and the strength to blend the plane with the background.

For cycles, you have to readjust the strength(and maybe the size) of the sun.

Thanks a lot :slight_smile: It’s really useful for me.

Transparency is still not tehre i guess , i made a glass object but i cant not able to see whats behind it