Blender Market - a Blender exclusive marketplace from CG Cookie

Hey AlmaTalp,

In answer to your questions.

Final pricing of products is determined by the vendor. We provide feedback on the pricing during the review process, but in the end it’s the vendors choice what to sell a product for.

We now offer an editorial license to allow selling of trademarked items. This comes with some very strict caveats, but it’s possible now. You can find details here:

And while I cannot say for certain one way or the other whether the Blender Market will ever be integrated into Blender, I can say with almost certainty that it won’t ever be done officially. The Blender Market is a private operation and so it’s not appropriate for it to be implemented officially. However, there’s nothing preventing it from being integrated through an add-on.

I hope that helps! Thanks for all the feedback.

Hello Jonathan,

thanks for the answers.

The news about the Editorial license is great; I also checked some products ans I saw that you changed their former licenses, too.

Integrating Blender Market originally was not my idea, I just noticed that if it happens, it have to be done properly, not in the ‘Unity-way’.

Thanks for being collaborative on critics, I wish a big success for BM.

Just so you know…

Each time I go looking for the Blender Market (can’t remember the name for some reason) I end up coming to Blender Artists and scanning messages to find my way there. Blender Cookie doesn’t have an easy-to-find (not for me, any way) link.

I’d bookmark it, but that’s a whole other can of worms. (sigh)

I may be the only person with this problem, but just in case I’m not, perhaps you guys would consider putting a prominent (or not) link on the Blender Cookie main page and maybe a sticky somewhere on Blender Artists.