Blender Game Engine Python Tutorials Playlist

You mean like camera LOD? Hm… I kinda think that frustum culling already does it.

I believe what i was asking does not do the same thing.Because it renders objects that are in the camera view that are seperate and does not render objects that are seperate.If you are not looking at them with the camera.

I don’t understand you. What you want to achieve? Currently it seems that you’re talking about frustum culling, but I am not sure about it.

By a fustrum culling method.I would like to make it so i have better framerate for destructable environments in openworld videogames.That is the only way to do it in the blender game engine.

Than I don’t understand what are you trying to achieve.

Part 8 | Better Function Management

Could you make top down videogame tutorials?And show us how to make the character draw his gun with the right mouse click?Then put the gun away with the left mouse click.

Possibly. Doesn’t sound that hard to do anyways;) I will start recording weapon drawing, but I have a bit different idea - make character draw the gun and than hold once I hold the right mouse button and than put it away once I release it:)

Part 9 | Gun Draw

NOTE: This and lots of other tutorials may require functions made in one of previous tutorials and arrangement from tutorial 8.:wink:

How about for a tutorial, how to convert this-> blend file, dragon logic bricks into python. Atleast am interested in that.

Do you mean a tutorial showing how to convert all the bricks into python? Hm… Maybe… I may make multiple tutorials for this topic.

Part 10 | Delay Sensor in Python

Part 11 | RTS Camera Rig

How would i make visible a row of cubes and then make those invisible and then make the next row visible and so on of a instanced cube floor?

You mean to add like wave effects? You can group them like this:

x1 = 2
x2 = 0

for x in range(0, 9):
    cublist = {}
    cublist["line" + str(x)] = []
    for o in scene.objects:
        if "cube" in o and o.worldPosition.x = x:
            cublist["line" + str(x)].append(o)
for key, line in cublist:
    if key == "line" + str(x1):
        for o in line:
            o.visible = True
    elif key == "line" + str(x2):
        for o in line:
            o.visible = True
        for o in line:
            o.visible = False

Than you can adjust the x value to make specific line visible. You can switch the True/False values to make only 1 line invisible. You can have also more x values(or just 1)…

Yes like a wave effect.

Part 13 | Building Grid Manager

Continuing the series…
Part 14 | Destroying Buildings

Part 15 | Visualising Building Spawner