Blender and 2D animation

Cheers! And yeah, all of the animations were drawn frame by frame with the grease pencil (although the most recent ones featuring the flour sacks were done in a Krita, which is basically the spirit of Blender applied to a digital art program). Right now tweening for the grease pencil hasn’t made it into the current build although it is being developed; for now you’ve got to draw it yourself. Of course I prefer working that way regardless

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Doc evidently you have been using Grease Pencil quite a bit. By the way I find 2d on a 3d background a lot more pleasing to me then 3d cartoon animation. an example of this would be Archer. Where I believe I read Adobe Illustrator, Maya and After Effects are used. But, I just realized that every limb is on a different layer in After Effects to animate just as it would have to be done in Grease Pencil.

I also just got sweep up in the release of Toonz as open source forgetting about Grease Pencil entirely. Hey it’s what we do. However, since then I’ve noticed your thread and a few others using a recent version of Grease Pencil and just wondered if the entire effect (Archer) couldn’t be done in Blender. Or, Blender and Krita for the painting. Regardless I will be watching your progress which is off to a flying start it seems. Best of luck in this endeavor.

The youtube video in the original post makes me think of one of the enemies I have in the simple sidescroller game I was working on!

Thanks! I also think/hope 2D animation will be sticking around even if it’s mainstream appearance changes somewhat; I’d say Archer is pretty good evidence of that, with their economical approach that’s carved out a style of their own.

As for whether it’d be possible to get that Archer look in Blender with the grease pencil… maybe. There’s some features that aren’t implemented in the current build that would definitely make it an easy thing, such as the inclusion of a grease pencil library and tweening abilities. Currently the grease pencil is unable to be animated via computer calculations, so you have to draw or reposition each frame yourself. You’d probably be better off creating assets in another program (like Krita) and exporting it for animation in Blender. That said I haven’t tried such a style myself as I prefer to draw each of my frames, for the most part.

Still, when those promising grease pencil features make their way into a stable build I’ll almost certainly try out some Archer styled animations. Looking forward to it!

Nice. The slime is the most classic starter enemy type for games I think. I actually based my slime off a character that gets reincarnated as a slime in a video game type world :stuck_out_tongue: