blender absurdest absurdities log

This : )

And the data handling with the Fake User. Multiple duplicates of everything appearing, and b3d deleting data on his own.

There is a 3D View operator for that, you just need to map it to various Select mouse events, replacing the default mapping:


LOL, I hit this 2-3 days ago and was going to post the same thing. So annoying.

  • Not being able to change the settings for an operator without running it first.
  • No overflow menu for vertical tabs. They just get squished.

Cool!! I liked the idea. I never thought about it.
It would be a good tutorial explaining how to keep these settings in different Blender versions. :slight_smile:

viewport alpha sorting?


I thought of a couple more:

* Timeline/Dope Sheet should have the ability to automatically scroll to where the current frame is. I always find that I have to scroll or zoom to wherever I need to go on the Dope Sheet, as Blender doesn’t automatically move to the current frame (as Anime Studio, Reaper, and Sony Vegas automatically do).

* Space bar (not Alt+A) should be the standard for animation playback. The space bar is the standard key for playing back things in nearly every content creation software since the 1980s. Ergonomically, it makes the most sense, as it’s the biggest, most impossible-to-miss key on the keyboard. Alt+A is much more awkward. I’ve swapped this around on my setup (and have made Ctrl+Space the shortcut for the Search menu), but space bar for animation playback should be the standard if the aim is to make things easier for new users who are familiar with other animation/video editing/audio editing software.

edit: sorry, didn’t read the first post saying not to respond to items listed.

I’m not describing the modal message box that pops up when closing Blender – that’s actually pretty great and definitely a welcome improvement. I’m talking about the little tiny message boxes that appear, like these:


Yes, I understand why it was done that way (I’m a software developer for my day job) but it doesn’t contribute to any ease-of-use for users. I’ll be giving a presentation about Blender at a conference next month, and a screen like Blender’s file dialog screen will likely be intimidating to a good chunk of this audience. (Heck, initially it was intimidating to me, and I’ve been using computers for many years.)

If that’s the case, then this is doubly confusing. (Hah! I just noticed that the items under the Transform tab exist in both places. You learn something new every day.)

The problem I’m trying to describe is that Blender is using, for lack of a better term, a mixed metaphor. Properties are mixed together in seemingly illogical places (the View Properties panel contains entries for the selected object), or, in this case, the same thing can be found in two places. (It is really user-friendly to have that information in the View Properties panel. The way that this is implemented, though, is just one of those things that makes it unnecessarily difficult for a new user to get a mental model of how the program is laid out.)

Yes, and I suspect that this behavior is not in the Blender developers' control and is instead a function of whatever cross platform development tool they're using. It's still a usability issue for those with multiple monitors. (Even though I'm keenly aware of this issue, I keep getting tripped up by it again and again.)

They would have to hit Ctrl+Z. Maybe this is my background with Anime Studio coming through, but I just assume that if you delete something high up in a hierarchy, everything below it should get deleted. Instead, all of the children get pushed out as individual objects, which is sometimes a disaster to clean up. (I just cleaned up something earlier today which was a victim of that problem. I didn’t realize that there was one stray child object that still existed, even though I thought I cleaned up after myself after deleting the parent object.)

I guess along a similar line, if you select a parent object and hit Shift+D to duplicate, it sure would be nice if the parent object plus all of its children were duplicated. Having to do the select, select all children, re-select the parent, then duplicate is just a lot of extra steps to a new user.

I can’t see why the Dope Sheet couldn’t be used for both. Again, this is probably my Anime Studio background talking, but the timeline in that program is essentially the Dope Sheet (but not as powerful). Or really, any audio program that has a MIDI timeline has the same sort of use. The same area that you use for scrubbing is used for moving data points around.

What I was trying to say is that it’s not clear from a user’s perspective which render settings in the Properties window will affect just the scene and which will affect the entire output.

Whoops, same here. I’ll shut up now. :slight_smile:

user preferences > input > left panel “select with” and choose button right :smiley:

The OP explicitly asked not to comment on other people’s absurdities. Given the fact the thread hasn’t yet turned into an argument, that seems like good advice.

Also, if you’ve ever tried your suggestion, you will know (and the developers have openly acknowledged) that this doesn’t fix the problem. It is inconsistently applied throughout the UI and causes issues with some of the keymap. Even if it fixed the issue completely, it is still an absurd default. Which is why it is being changed.

For me, the separated undo stack is probably the most absurd thing that I run across regularly.

I’ve been using blender for over 10 years now, and I still wipe out my editmode changes by tabbing out, making a couple tweaks, then undoing one too many times.

I know I could be a little more careful with my itchy ctrl-z finger, but there has to be a better way. I don’t know what it is off the top of my head, but it sure is irritating.

No thanks. The Blender save/open screen is fine just the way it is. It presents options and is logical in its own right unlike native OS’s navigation (including Winblows) where they try to simplify everything down to the lowest common denominator and just makes things clunky and awkward as a result. New users can cope.

A couple of things that bug me in Blender, however, is the fact you can’t name layers (addon available? Not too sure on that one) and that groups seem to have no effect in the outliner. When I group objects in Blender, it would be nice to be able to see in the outliner what’s been grouped. You can select ‘groups’ on its own, but I’d prefer it if grouped objects were part of the ‘all scenes’ outliner and that they were pulled into like a drop-down hierachal list like parenting is.

Layer Manager
It’s not perfect and it should be part of the official release, but at least there’s a way to manage and name layers.

I still can’t edit normals in a sane way like in other tools (e.g. rotate)… need to do awkward, slow and finicky mesh transfers to change them. It’s a real pain for games/NPR.

Thought of two other ones:

* If you change a window to another window type, Ctrl+z should switch the window back to the previous type. This happens when my mouse cursor is accidentally over a window and I hit a shortcut to change a window to another window type. When I’m hovering over the wrong window, it takes a few seconds to figure out what that window used to be, completely breaking my train of thought. I wish I could hit Ctrl+z to back out of the (accidental) change.

* If you change a color selector so that it takes HSV or hex values, have Blender remember that when saving/opening the file. I almost exclusively paste in hex color values from another program; it’s great that Blender remembers so much in a saved file, but it’s a bit annoying how it switches the default color switcher option back to RGB every time I re-open a file.

Moderation: Just a heads-up. I’ve deleted a number of discussion posts to this thread. The OP specifically requested that there be no discussion; just a list of opinions. Please respect that.

*Not being able to have a more fine control over tablet’s pressure (you can only toggle if specific things, like radius and strength are influenced or not by pressure, but can’t invert behavior (sometimes I want more pressure to give a smaller brush size) or control it through curves)
*It’s too hard to position background images, and you can’t set them to be visible in perspective mode (only in camera mode), which I think would be a really cool way to have reference images displayed, making use of some space around the model that is usually not used. Empty images are a cool way to solve the problem, but if you want to have a front and back one, if you use wireframe mode it becomes a pain in the ass (the images become xray or something like that).

  • Almost all other DCC software provides decently sized thumbnail preview of materials and textures… nope, not Blender. Instead you must settle for little dinky ass material thumbnails that are barely recognizable except maybe the color. Even setting the DPI to 144 the thumbnail is still only about 32x32 pixels and the UI looks like crap of course. Blender uses larger thumbnails in the file browser, brushes, and matcaps, but why not materials and textures??? WTF!?

EDIT: Here is a comparison image:

  • Also still no custom icons for addon devs.

  • Still no native plugin API. Even using python glue for a native module, the python is a bottleneck and IO is still slow as hell.

My opinion: just listing opinions with no responses leads no one to knowledge, just empty statements that sit on a server with no use. I have answers for some of these, and if you go looking, you will find them too.