Bisect as modifier

Well William the wireframe modifier is in trunk already.
Blender Developer Sneak Peek #2 - The wireframe modifier …

Bisect modifier looks great!

I hear only good news for Blender ! well done !

I’ve implement something new to make an easier workflow for multi-cut.
A group of “cut-plane”. Great to do rock maybe.

Thanks all for the comment.
Psy-fi maybe you don’t know but you’ve solved my problem with the rotate vector. Thanks again.
For those who ask it’s a patch not an addon, it mean you can’t have this functionality if you doesn’t build blender yourself.
Or if accepted it can be in a futur version of blender.

Yes a lot of operation can be transform in modifier, first I’m try to finish and polish this one and after if some people ask for the same
modifier I will try to make.

So go back to code…

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I misread the title of this thread and I thought it said

“Brecht as modifier” lol.

anyway great work kgeogeo!!

Dupli’s as modifiers doesn’t work efficiently with our current modifier stack, it can be changed of course - but that would be a really large change to how modifiers works. And this isnt just as simple as coding it up - the modifier stack would have to support operating on instances in an efficient manner, which becomes near impossible if you for example attempt to apply global displacement modifier - or UV project… or Wave deform… Each instance won’t be the same so we would end up duplicating the meshes a lot - which runs into memory limits.

So I think there is a place for a duplicator system which is separate from the modifier stack - but the current duplis are not implemented so nice - both from code and user POV.

It would be possible to fake it - and have some duplicator show up in the modifier stack and work efficiently as long as its last on the stack- not sure about that though :S

All these are modifiers:

  • Spin == Screw modifier with no offset
  • Un-Subdivide == option for decimate modifier
  • Wireframe == newly added modifier.

speaking of duplis, i think a duplicate or array along curve could have more options.

currently if you want to duplicate something along a curve for example, it distorts the object you are duplicating. Its because you have to use a “curve” deform modifier with the array. There should be an option to stop the “deformation” part of it when used with array, could be useful.

anyway thread derailing.

@kgeogeo: very nice and inventive solution. Congrats.

Mass bisection via an object group, with one modifier?

This just keeps looking better and better, things like gem creation is going to be a whole lot easier now. With that in, that would be one of the last major pieces of functionality that I would personally want from this modifier (can’t think of anymore right now).

Ok. I was thinking it could work similar to eg. the Array modifier, but take a mesh to duplicate itself along. Would that not work? Or are you referring to a problem regarding memory, where it can’t instance the data properly then?

Ah, neat, I missed this. Nice.

It almost is, but not quite :slight_smile: The Spin modifier always does a lathe. You can’t currently use it to create, say, a clock face. The Spin tool can be used to create a circular array of items that are not connected. It could potentially be added to the Screw modifier though. Perhaps an option such as ‘Array’ or something. Could be a radio button: ‘Lathe’/‘Array’ or so?

I think radial arrays should just be added as an option in the array modifier. it’s a bit of a pita to set up an object offset and rotate an empty to get a radial array.

Maybe an option to convert arrayed objects to instanced objects would be beneficial too…

Bisect would really be a good addition to blender and better than booleans.

For the wireframe modifier: Why the profile of the wireframe is simply a triangle?
It would be cool if we could increase the number of edge to have a circle!!!

The way I think of the current implementation, the Blender modifier stack generates data… that’s how we can build one modifier atop the other. There’s no notion of instancing in the stack… and to use instancing in the modifier stack (aside from being the last modifier) would inhibit the ability to do the modifier combining that we all currently enjoy.

The Duplis (vert, face, etc.) take advantage of instancing and are more memory efficient… so moving them to modifiers would take away one of their biggest advantages and reasons for use.

For those who state this is what boolean does - please look again.

There is a certain similarity but thats it.

Main two differences, you can just not fill the cut line plus you can work with empties as a cut plane.

This reduces work-steps required plus because I do not need to turn the boolean mesh into box mode
so it will not block my view.

Thanks for explaining this, I was not aware of the limitation of the modifier stack. I would love to be able to have a different way for instancing through the modifier but if that simply makes the memory usage bigger I understand.

However if you are aware of the problem it still would be a great option for applications like here:
You see I use a surface to create a sphere layout and then I have to bake the instance into a mesh and then put it into the boolean modifier as an input object.

If I am planing on using this mesh anyway I create the mesh data by baking the instance, so a modifier that allows a surface array and only provides the arrayed mesh excluding the surface you arrayed/instanced over would be a great helper.

It would eliminate the need to have the normal mesh and a baked version for the modifier.

Right - array doesnt instance - it just duplicates all geometry.

In that case array modifier can be used… but if you want to mix extrude and diplicate (as spin does… ) that cant be done with modifiers at the moment.

Any news Kgeggeo?

Hi Kgeogeo,
Could you make a version of your patch for that work with the official 2.70 source? I would be happy to make a custom build of Blender with your patch and the Noise modifier from patb.

I’ll rework on it soon… Sorry I’ve some personal problem to solve before.
Thanks for the interest.

You don’t have to say sorry ^^. What you have done is already much appreciated.

Sorry to hear that kgeogeo. I wish you the best for your problems.