BGMC16 stealthy bomberman (test please!)

Wow. That’s amazing! Congratulations! Very impressive and some effects are really nice (when you take an item to speed up the character for example). If I had a criticism, it would be about the gameplay… Maybe more smoothness/freedom in the player’s movement would have been cool. (sorry about my poor english). I’ll try to beat your highscore :slight_smile:

I wanted to note that: laptops usually doesn’t have numpad, maybe you should vary the input between WASD and numpad?

Really nice work! I also blew myself up,!! ha :slight_smile:

I have a recommendation for the controls. After my head being used to WASD/ARROWS for so long, the num pad arrangement took me a bit of getting used to. I kept on wanting to press ‘5’ instead of ‘2’. I’m sure you would get accustomed to it pretty quickly though!

The same for me :smiley:

My framerate drops to about 3-5fps (logic goes up to about 60-90ms!) whenever any of the monsters goes into chase-mode (gets the !!! over their heads). Other than that though, it runs pretty well. I managed to snag about 1600 points before things get unplayable.

I like it!
Managed to get 3500 points after a fun game of hide-and-seek. :wink:

Edit: Got to 7800 points before I stepped on my own bomb.

Thanks, thats just the sort of feedback I need. I’m not sure what could cause that but I’ll take a look at the code. Did you get the same problem with the power pill or when dropping a bomb?

Rather than adding a custom keys screen I think I can just double up the controls so arrow keys and WSAD also work…

Looks really fun, but my keyboard does not have a num pad :stuck_out_tongue:

Fun game, Smoking Mirror. However, only the space and arrow keys worked, and they feel clunky on my desktop. Would recommend using WSAD and/or expose a keymap.

OK, thanks guys. I’ll add the keymapper.

I still can’t find out what caused Nine’s Problems with the logic drop.
I timed all agent’s update functions and they were below 0.001ms even when alerted. The only difference between alert and oblivious agents is they find the neighboring square which is closest to the player, instead of choosing randomly.

The added object !!! only lasts for about 2 seconds and doesn’t have any strange logic or sounds… :frowning:

Anyway, made a few other changes too.

Score: 1500…

Using the NumPad was pretty confusing… once I finally dropped a bomb (still can’t remember which key I pressed) I instinctively went for the Arrow Keys, and blew myself up.

Framerate was pretty good, wasn’t low enough to be unplayable. I didn’t take a look at the profiler but I’d have to say it was anywhere from 15-20FPS.

Thanks, my own computer is a fairly powerful one so I don’t know how others will do.
I’m going to add a reduced version of the game with less enemies and smaller area for anyone who has trouble with the framerate.

I’ve posted the game in finished projects but total time spent so far has been about 8 hours over 4 days. If I get a bit more time I want to add a few more things…

A black clad bomb using enemy ninja… Enemy and bomb code can easily be changed to allow it as it’s something I had already planned.

A level system. I’ve already set up a dictionary based system to load levels, just have to define some levels and add some code to go to the next level if all gold is found.

One or more extra tilesets. It took about an hour to paint the first one. Second one should be quicker. I may just do a palette swap, but that seems cheap…

Something I want to add but probably won’t have a chance is breakable wooden crates. Oh well, perhaps after the competition is finished.

Thanks, I’ve wanted to make a tile based movement system for a long time. It’s important for traditional games like chess but it’s hard to do well. I think the characters should have been a little bigger so it feels more natural, but in the end I quite like how it turned out. When you get in a close race with one of the little yellow devils it can be quite fun.

How did you change the name of your thread?

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