BGE Video Tutorials

You can vote for a tutorial on my website: Relevant information is in my signature.

I demonstrated the creation of a stand-alone in my Turret Defense series. More specifically, at the end of this video:

I watched the video, and your tutorial was very well done. I am able to do everything you showed in your video, but when I attempt to run the .exe, I get an error message saying that the application has requested the runtime to terminate in an unusual way. Do you know anything about this message? I am on Windows XP, if that matters.

I’m not really sure (I use Linux), but a quick Google search brought me to this page:

Hope that helps.

New tutorial (Trajectory Arc) is up.

I really like your tutorials, thank you.

Thanks martinsh. I really like your demos (learned a lot from them) - keep up the good work!

New tutorial (RTS Controls) is up.

New tutorial (Ray Sensor) is up.

New tutorial (Texture Coordinates) is up.

New tutorial (Sword Swoosh) is up.

first of all, Awesome Tutorials Goran!!!
Very understandable and a great mix of python and logic bricks in my opinion!
I have gone through your Highscore Tutorial and have now working a nice highscore list!

One question… Could that tutorial be extended as for maybe saving such a file somewhere on a server? It would be awesome to have on central highscore list all gamers have access to.
I have found this ftp lib. But unfortunately I have not the experience yet…

Once again! Thanks for this great resource! I will definately watch more of your tutorials!!!

Hey ndee, I’m glad you like this stuff, and I’ll try to make more and better in the future.

I’m currently just doing requests that people post on my site, in the weekly tutorial forum (there’s a link in my signature), so if you want me to do a tutorial on something specific, you can post your request there - If enough people vote for it, I will definitely do it.

In either case, you should know that it’s very easy, even for mildly technical users, to send a falsified score that they didn’t really earn, and there’s not a lot that can be done to stop that. So, making an online scoreboard is the easy part, but preventing people from cheating is very difficult.

Anyway, thanks for your support!

New tutorial (Radar Sensor and Dynamics) is up.

New tutorial (Key Combo) is up.

New tutorial ( Networking / Sockets ) is up.

New tutorial (Matrices / Portals) is up.

R . E . S . P . E . C . T

the link for the portal one isnt working is says 404 page not found

Great goran, you are helping a lot of guys with your tutorials, its nice too see members like doing something! great work!

Damn it! I can’t believe I messed that up.

Thanks for the heads up.


@ Crumpet, leonnn

Thanks guys.

Thanks sooo much! nice work!


New tutorial (Dialog System) is up.