BGE proposal - Add a method to detect constraints applied on start.

if someone want make some test:

import bge

def create_constraint(ob1, ob2, numb=12, pos=[0,0,0], rot=[0,0,0], coll=False):
    for o in [ob1, ob2]:
        assert isinstance(o, bge.types.KX_GameObject) 
        assert hasattr(o, "meshes")
    p1, p2 = [o.getPhysicsId() for o in [ob1, ob2]]

    assert numb in {1,2,3,4,12}
    for i in range(3):
        pos[i] = float(pos[i])
        rot[i] = float(rot[i])
    coll = 64 if coll else 128
    constraint = bge.constraints.createConstraint(p1, p2, numb, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], coll) 
    pid = constraint.constraint_id
    return constraint


cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner
scene = own.scene

ob1 = scene.objects["B"]
ob2 = scene.objects["A"]
cs = create_constraint(ob1, ob2, 12, pos=[0,0,0],rot=[0,0,0], coll=False)



astract module :slight_smile:

import bge

_constraints = []

class Constraint:
    def __init__(self, ob1, ob2, numb=12, pos=[0,0,0], rot=[0,0,0], coll=False):
        for o in [ob1, ob2]:
            assert isinstance(o, bge.types.KX_GameObject) 
            assert hasattr(o, "meshes")
        p1, p2 = [o.getPhysicsId() for o in [ob1, ob2]]

        assert numb in {1,2,3,4,12}
        for i in range(3):
            pos[i] = float(pos[i])
            rot[i] = float(rot[i])
        coll = 64 if coll else 128
        constraint = bge.constraints.createConstraint(p1, p2, numb, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], coll) 

        self._constraint = constraint
        self.owner = ob1 = ob2
    def invalid(self):
        return self._constraint.invalid
    def set_param(self, axis,mn=0,mx=0):
        self._constraint.setParam(axis, mn, mx)
    def get_param(self, axis):
        return self._constraint.getParam(axis)

def create_constraint(ob1, ob2, numb=12, pos=[0,0,0], rot=[0,0,0], coll=False):
    constraint = Constraint(ob1, ob2, numb, pos, rot, coll)
def _validate_constraints():
    for i in [i for i in _constraints if i.invalid]:
        cs_id = i.constraint_id # not remember the code to write
def get_constraints(gob):
    return [i for i in _constraints if i.owner is gob]

can be ??

This is a wrapper. It would allow a cleaner way of creating constraints but it does not help regarding the proposed search operations.

i know but one time founded need something to manage it.

afaik change target or pivot(position, rotation or collision) require a new constraint

toretically the wrapper can do this