Bevel shader

I’m probably wrong but…
With baking coming in cycles (seems already usable), you ll be able to bake this procedural texture (on a per object or on a scene “dirt atlas” for example) and use it with GPU.
More than that, using this technique you ll be able to create semi procedural dirt for your game object (still far from dDo but ehh… sounds just good to me :slight_smile: )

Sanne, I mean a dedicated Cycles edge node, eliminating the need for a script node and complex node setup, and preferably integrated in the main release in stead of an add-on.

Sevensheaven, ah, I understand. Would be faster too. But at least it’s possible now, even though it’s slower and a bit more work to set up.

Yep. I’m very glad with the great work that has gone into this.

Just 10k polys. Modelled mostly by cheating in about 1.5 hours as a test. Were I to do it with proper subsurfs, it’d probably take closer to 10 hours. Smoothed with the bevel shader, scratched with some inverted AO and blended box mapping.

Looks very cool!

OSL crashes every build i have up to 2.7 even before I past the script.

That’s normal. They fixed a bug that prevented this sort of script either shortly before or shortly after 2.7. Grab a recent build from

Same thing as soon as I select view rendered it crashes. I have tried two 2.7 builds one from the build bot one from graphical.

Well that shouldn’t happen. It certainly doesn’t happen for me. I have no idea what might be going wrong on your end, so I’m not sure what I can do to help you.

Thanks I suspect CPU problems. I have a monitor display problem I narrowed down by replacing parts/ process of elimination to the CPU or mother board.
I just wanted to try the script.
I only now understand how useful the OSL is.

This is a very successfully expressed metallic surface Piotr… can you share, please, a screenshot with the whole node setting of the material… it would be helpful to see the way you achieved all this so successful combination of the bevels with the scratches on the material.

FateSailor, any chance you could post a blend, I’m struggling to get results.

Colkai you can follow the node setup of Bobizib (in the third page of the present thread) for achieving the grunge results. First you have to save somewhere in your computer the latest script of Piotr of course (it too is in the third page), and then open it from within the script node. Don’t forget to have your object uv mapped.

I am putting below a file of mine too, hope that you will find it helpful (it is a Blender scene, download and open it in Blender 2.70):

Many thanks, will look at this and see where I am going wrong. :slight_smile:

Looks fantastic! Anybody else having hard time getting these scripts work with OS X? Mine gives syntax errors as soon as I hit ‘Run script’.


Does anyone know if it’s possible to bake this with the new Cycles bake function. Baking normals (without selected to active) doesn’t seem to include bump/normal maps

Not right now. I expect it should work as soon there’s support for normal/bump maps in the source meshes.

You Could probably bake the corresponding bump map using the color output of the node but not directly a normal map (even if converting this kind of bump map to normal map is not really difficult using blender or other software)


Not sure that will work, Cycles uses negative values for its internal WS normals, and i’m not sure any image format can store negative color values. But if you figured out how to convert that into your standard OS normal map, and put that solution into a node group, yeah, you might be able to do it. Seems like more trouble than it’s worth though.