Beats headphone + DJ mixer

One of my favorites. Awesome job mate!

This is a really great job! A perfect example to show the power of the internal renderer!
There is only one little thing that I saw: the leather-like part (upper soft part of the headphones) looks a little bit surprising because where it reflects, it looks good but the darker part looks weird (like dark and white points side ba side). But it is subtle and I had to look several times at it to see that! :slight_smile:
Everything else is amazing!

Great job on this!

Very nice, maybe a bit lack of sound?!

Cool render. But the elipses around the “b” Logo are a bit inconsistend I think :slight_smile:

Good render :slight_smile: But I think the elipses around the “b” are not are not smoth.

Nice render! Very photo realistic.

great job friend , visual treat

Many thanks guys! :wink:

The materials, lighting and textures are great! The lighting looks very dramatic!

Nice realistic image, right amount of depth of field and the light refraction on CD looks good

Amazing job with the gloss on the headphones and the texturing on their foam padding. Not to mention the reflection on the back of the CD!! Fantastic!