Batman Sculpt

Did some of the changes.

-Went back to img textures as windows and I think it turned out okay.
-Added img on billboard
-Added a second spotlight
-Lightened batmans suit so it looks more grey and lets the bat symbol stand out
-Played around with DoF

Need to make the foreground building more glossy so it looks wet from rain. Might have to add more detail to the buildings at the very back because they look too flat to me, especially with the atmospheric perspective. Im not sure if I want to append my old bat signal (see img below) or create a new one. I also want to model some very basic gargoyles and more grapnel friendly ledges.

I think I wont go any higher with the samples.
Foreground - 400
Background - 300
Rain - 50

Bat signal from a year ago:

Looks decent, but I thinks it’s getting a bit visually noisy with all the lights. It’s not necessarily an issue, but currently it’s quite distracting. Batman is fading out a bit because of it.

I would maybe increase the contrast between batman and the background behind him

this is really nice. I think you have captured the style well.

Haven’t been making major adjustments for a while so I think I will be calling this done shortly. Going to spend the next couple of days fixing small errors that I notice like the cape intersecting the biceps, adding materials to objects that dont have any and tweaking nodes in the compositor.

Opened a new thread in the Finished section.

Thanks for all the help.

interesting… leg and arm proportions need work, but in has a start for all of the work you’ve done

you got not a real focal point in the scene. i would blur out the background or just simply make it darker than batman.
and its not realy worth the time to model and texture a such detailed lamp and then dont show it in the scene, just sayin :slight_smile: