Ave Espelita | Animation Demo Reel 2013-2015

IRT S-Markt: I do not in any way want to come off as argumentative/combative. I just wanted to put in, that I really liked that part, especially the animation of it stepping off of the turn table. I would, definitely, not cut that. Any animator should/will appreciate it. But, everyone has their own eyes, GL to the OP, really awesome work.

wow that’s awesome!!

She reminds me Female Dovaakin from Elders Scrolls V.

Great job man! Enjoyed every second of this vid!
I believe You’ll get the job You want with this stuff!

Sweet reel! Fluid animation and great modeling work. Hope you’ll find something! Cheers.

Very Nice! Maybe you could show me how you did the Samurai Jack? I am a big fan.
Good luck.

Amazing and very inspiring!

Sweet stuff bruh! I agree with S-Markt here though. Put your top notch wizardry up front and at the end, and maybe drop the “You should do pixar” guy. Mostly for aesthetic reasons. People put these reels on and often play them at 2x speed. If you don’t impress in 10 seconds or less… it’s on to the next reel. Harsh but reality. Maybe throw in some Reversion: TLD clips to from MT1? That scene where Eve jumps down was pretty cool. Ask Carlo, but I think he’d be okay with it. Additionally. I’d like to see some more subtle acting scenes… like at the beginning of the “So… what to do?” clip. It’s all very action-action-action. Show you can drive an emotional performance as well. All this said, Ave is a radical magician of an animator and it’s always a pleasure to work with him. He has my full endorsement.

Too nice to be real :wink:

Awesome work! :slight_smile: Did you use motion capture or made all by hand?

the girl and the end appear really realistic, great work, keep going

this is very nice one thing that caught my attention is secondary effects, like when the “nord girl” is running through the snow twoard the giants…seems that a heavy kicking up of snow would really add to the power behind her acceleration…she also seems to be sharing a walk animation with another character…mocap? I think that would be frowned upon if that is the case…these are the things that studios would also see I think…the little attention to details…the robot has no sense of weight etc…small camera shake coming off the platform and the “what nots”…again the little things in the environments and secondary movements…I could not do better, but I can see things that may be missing…and I feel they give it that edge over what other people do…the style is great the rendering/comp is also decent…I’m less inclined in those departments as I make games, but you have a good foundation I think and good luck. :slight_smile:

secondary thought, I think maybe rounding this off with more facial animation and emotion would be nice…it feels one sided, leaning twoard action martial arts and fighting in general…it shows power etc, but not so much emotion…adding something more emotional in the last quarter would make you look more “well rounded”. just my opinion.

what is the name of the song? only part of the lyrics i could get out of that is “you are the fire, and its trying to follow me” but i cant find anything on google using that :confused:

This is amazing!

It’s this kind of stuff that inspires me to keep on grinding my way through learning blender to create my first model. It’s some truly epic stuff!

Also your song choice was amazing. Kina Grannis is love.

Damn dude, I was impressed. Keep it up! Could you tell me a bit about why you made those two people blocky people? I mean, you obviously can make them look realistic, so I was just curious what the artistic choice was for that?

It is ok. I like it.

That’s really great stuff. I thoroughly enjoyed the look and feel of the demo. I’m curious to know the machine configuration you used for creating and rendering the model and animation and more importantly, the amount of time it took to complete the entire work.

Great Going and awesome stuff!!

I hope to see more in the future.