Audi S5 [Lonlon]

Oh my. It’s beautiful! The red finish is great! However, the front looks a bit flat, at least on my monitor. Maybe change the lighting, so the black spots have a little more detail (since you modeled these so nicely :wink: ). What I mean is, that the shadows steal the details.

But just as it is right now, it already looks great! So professional!

Coucou Gugu!

Looks fantastic! not much to critique, the side mirrors look a little low poly, and the reflections just below and left of it look a little weird too. keep it up!
It also seems to me that the car is too far off the ground, but that is how it is supposed to be I think…
Do you mind sharing anything about you lighting/rendering setup? (cycles I assume?)

very clean modelling but you should improve your render i think.
first: streaks glare is not looking good for headlight leds, it makes the car look like moving.
and you might wanna add black border to windows.
something is wrong about perspective you can change camera angle a bit.

by the way how are you model that detailed taillights, any advice would be appreciated.

Uhm, I think wheel positioning is wrong in both height and width, and also there’s always a bit of camber angle. Look at reference images and you’ll see.

i like that studio shot! maybe a darker background would also look nice.

Hello guys,
Thanks for your comments, I know it’s been a long time, but now that I have a new PC, I can use CUDA with cycle

I resumed this WIP in order to finalize my image.

I restarted the lighting and all of my scene.
This is my result so far: (render passes 1000 + compositing)

Say me your opinion, your thought please :slight_smile:

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Very nice :slight_smile: I’m glad to see you are back on this. I like it a lot. The things I noticed:
I love the rims and car paint&lighting
The lighting under the car on the wheels is wrong.
A firefly here and there. Nothing much to worry about until post-pro at the end.
The rearview mirror could use a bit of work.
The grill seems a bit boring? maybe not…
The area around the foglights should maybe be either black or modelled as it really is. Blacker should probably be just fine.

Keep it up! you are doing wonderful work on this project!

The bottom of the wheels is wrong indeed… but dat paint/lighting setup tho…

Thanks guys

I corrected each defects cited by ctdabomb
I want to model the windshield wipers. After that, I will do the final render !
Bye :slight_smile:

Well, I finished the last render, you can see it here :

Thanks for all your comments ! :yes:

Very neat wireframe dude wow… mine is all over the place but i just started 2 days ago xD