Apple Pencil, alternative to Wacom Cintiq

Sure let’s ignore the fact that this “trash can” fit a full Xeon 6 core processor and two workstation class video cards inside of a machine that can live on you desktop and can be carried with you without breaking your back. Let’s forget all of that and focus on the round “trash can” look and not the technology used to cool these parts with one fan (which is why it is round). It’s all Apple marketing, it can’t be that they system is portable and powerful enough for editors and graphic designers who need the power and support that Apple brings to the table, because why spend money on a Xeon when you can get a core i7, I mean they are exactly the same thing right? The simple fact that Apple fit a workstation into something the size of a large tissue box is why people love it.

Also citation needed for your assertion that Apple has acknowledged themsleves as a “cult”. I would take your word for it but so far you are not saying much to warrant it.

Talk about hater logic here - how much is a Cintiq??? Did you look into it?
Oh wait you mean you want to have the 13HD yes the one with the needed data cable attached to it…

They’ve had some aggressive marketing tactics in the past and there’s some valid points to be discussed about that, but just summing up Apple’s only contribution as a marketing machine is extremely narrow-mined. Plus, with the way you forced this issue into the discussion of a product by calling out someone for being a fanboy, just because they had one positive comment to make about the device, makes you look more than anyone else seem like the religious zealot, narrow-mindedly talking about something from only one fixed perspective when everyone else here has just been discussing potential positives and negatives.

Ever professionally used sketchbook pro or the adobe sketch apps on iOS or Android with the touch interface something you cannot do with Photoshop on a desktop to quickly?

You seem not to understand much of the hardware and OS of Apple. Apple iOS products often got laughs because the CPU and RAM numbers are lower but nearly everybody who made that comment was a fool because they had no clue that the performance is actually better ration wise while Android needs more numbers because of the way the OS works a flaw in Androids Linux philosophy. Because Apple makes the hardware and OS they can finetune both much better than Google can.

If you can cut videos on that tablet I hardly think RAM will be an issue.

Hahahahaha let me tell you that the fancy i5 i7 CPUs in the SP are dual cores man - you really need to check your facts deeper. Whats the point of a MicroSDXC card when you can wireless share data or use a USB cable? And attaching a second display to the already more than weak GPU of the SP3? Really? Do you work with that tablet? We do at work and it is weak. The size is small and the display is not very fine.

Work sketch / cad model in the SP3 without the power adapter and lets see how long it will last - specifically with the i7 CPU.

Just take a look how the apps look on the SP3 you have to like in Blender adjust the font sizes etc.

But Win10 got much better but it still needs a long time.

I fully agree! But I have to say also from what I saw currently Apples Pencil is a pretty terrific if not beating Wacom styluses atm. And the price is also the same. Try to get a ios/android wacom 2 pen it is 79$ already.

Multi tasking I think is pretty good now. Folder access - that will be a good question. Apple locks stuff for two reason control and safety.

But with mobile apps you deal with data differently.

Adobe apps sync everything with the Adobe CC cloud and you send it to the desktop apps.
No need for copy and past and folder stuff you just stream pass on data.

Good question will be if apps will make use of Google Drive Drop Box or iCloud Drive so you can save in those folders on the iPad sync and then stream it on the desktop.

Thats still a pretty annoying part of iOS.

Honestly with multi-tasking I was hoping for a drag and drop workflow, especially with the introduction of 3D Touch on the iPhone 6s as hold-tapping to wait for a copy prompt is rather slow and tedious. As for folder management, this is also a problem I have on a Windows Tablet in trying to keep a consistent workflow where I can keep different versions of reference images and production files without cross-over issues when I work on both devices. Plus with apps on iOS that won’t necessarily use the cloud storage service you use, it gets a little messy. It’s definitely not as bad as in older iPad versions where you had to sync everything through iTunes, but figuring out something more seamless would be nice.

I hope future iOS versions have OS-level support for cloud services so apps don’t have to specifically support the APIs of every cloud service they want to use to read/write to them. Would go some way to make things easier :stuck_out_tongue:

To add to the discussion on how the Apple Pencil performs, I found some responses from a staff member at Savage Interactive (creators of procreate), who discuss the Apple Pencil in direct comparison to the Cintiq -

“The Pencil out-performs the Cintiq in accuracy and has no need for calibration. Using Procreate on the iPad Pro with the Pencil is extremely fluid and because there is almost no latency, it feels like real media. What causes the lag when using other tablets like the Cintiq could be the software or LCD, or a number of other things. But there is none of that with Procreate with Apple Pencil. :slight_smile: Tilt is another really powerful thing the Pencil has. It makes for some really gorgeous brushes!”

The stylus for my Cintiq also shakes the lag I never really noticed that much I have to say. But what annoys the heck out of my cintiq are the cables.

Now if you have the big Cintiq qhere you can rest your arm on that is different the cables wont be an issue. But I want to flip the thing a lot like I sketch with pen and paper. That is where the touch interface on the ipad is working great and I did not see that with SketchBookPro or Photoshop on our SurfacePro 3. So with your two fingers you zoom or rotate by pinching or rotating the fingers. Done. So fast.

I am a little split about iOS. At work the SP3 and their tiny displays low res are really a pain to work with. I also see it with the students. Win10 and the apps there clearly are not made for this type of interaction. Yes you can press on the display but that is like clicking a mouse - it is not that gesture control you have with a mobile OS.

Obviously having native Win10 on a SP is pretty fantastic because you just load onto it what you want to work with.

But I find it funny when online people compare the iPadPro to SP RT. First the current SP line has crippled CPUs and an extremely weak GPU just so it does not kill the battery so fast. In that regards it is not really that good of a product when mobility and performance is what you seek.

Old iPads2 are pretty clunky and slow snails but the recent speed ups with the chips Apple develop are pushing the ARM idea to the speed of desktop performance. Netbooks for a long time suffered just from the same issue good battery performance but pretty
weak CPU.

However do I really want to work in Blender Fusion Alias or Photoshop on a tiny display like the SP3? No. One can do it sure hurt your eyes.

So with the iPadPro bigger obviously it is still not like real desktop but sketching on it will be better than on my Cintiq and for that pure purpose of sketching I think that iPadPro is pretty fantastic. The CPU performance is there, the display is reworked, the pen is actually really impressive considering the price tag (boring Android/iOS smart Bluetooth pens cost just 20 bucks less) but much more important the creative sketching apps are made for a touch interface.

You can kinda see in each solution a good or either a bad part.

But I am predicting that the iPadPro is more a test product for a complete different product coming to the market in 2 to 3 years.

I fully agree on the iOS data exchange working but really being in need of some serious loving!

Here’s a short clip of someone drawing fast on the ipad pro:

It’s really hard to find clips where someone does it like that.

Also if you slow down the video, you can see the “n” letter on “mountain!” he wrote didn’t register at first. Also you’ll notice a lag similar to the surface.

Oh please, what am I “fanboying” about? Seriously read a post next time before commenting. I have criticism towards Apple and this is just the evolution of the discussion created by people opposing and twisting the words of my criticism. If thats still too much for you then please, by all means, ignore it or at the very least make some kind of valid point.

You really need to read a post and thread before commenting. The comment about the trashcan design was more over the reaction people would have to it. You cannot tell me with a straight face that if Microsoft held a big event and announced their new computers would look like trashcans, that Apple users wouldnt laugh at them and mock the design. The point is that there is this weird environment where if Apple releases something, just because its Apple, its looked at through a different lens than every other product. The comic I linked to, here it is again in case you keep missing it ( link) was created by an Apple fan who is one of the few that appear to be aware of the duality of the user base and how the public can change their opinion of a product just because of a brand logo.

As for all your “marketing rhetoric” on why the trashcan is so great (while missing out on the fact PCs do the same thing if you build or buy them that way), it just proves my point that Apple is strong with their marketing if they can get you to tout the “party line”. Honestly if you are needing to carrying around that kind of workstation with you everywhere, then you are probably not the smartest consumer out there, it is unrealistic. No one in their right mind does that nor do work environments require that.

Btw, dont forget that by locking in those AMD firepro’s you pretty much screw your userbase over with faulty AMD drivers and tons of incompatibility. Over on the Modo forums, users are raging because not only are they having tons of problems due to being stuck with AMD but now Apple adding their own API to the mix (Metal) in which not every software developer will bother creating a separate version for. Its just foolish. Think critically!

As for the “citation needed” regarding Apple themselves referring to their fanbase and their own employees as the “cult”, “religion”, evangelist…ect Look at the damn links I have been posting. Seriously there is a reason I post them, its called backing up a claim. I’m not throwing this out of thin air.

Ah yes, because every app is built to take advantage of multiple cores right? Man you really need to check your… oh nvm I wont stoop to your level.

Only in your world, options seen as a bad thing right? See, it might be a crazy concept but having additional storage on a device that doesnt protrude out and can be hidden away inside is actually a NICE THING. Thats the “magical power” of a MocroSD card slot. I know when you come from an iphone background, it might be hard to get your head around it…but when you go away from apple products, and whether its windows phones, tablets, or android even… those microsd cards can really extend the size and capacity of a device. My gf, for example, is able to keep all her books and tv shows on one of these cards and flip between her surface which does have a usb slot to her phone, and from her phone to a another tablet with out ever needing to “transfer files” nor rely on a protruding USB dongle. What a concept right?

No one is denying the A9X isnt fast, it should be considering its build solely for one platform with its own API. But who exactly is taking advantage of that? What mobile apps use even push that? Emphasis on mobile. Do we know whats in store for the next generation of intel mobile processors? Do we have the benchmarks? Even then does it matter if they are not competing in the same arena application wise? Its not just which horse can brag more power, its about whats actually getting used and where it can go. If there is one thing I know about Intel and heck even Nvidia, is that they always have something else up their sleeve and if they are forced to show off the next killer piece of hardware to compete they are ready to do so. It’s kind of scary to think of how far they really have gone in the R&D department, and what we actually get for consumer purchase.

As for dual screens with a surface… easy I have a surface pro 1 and it was able to dual screen quite easily while multitasking…this includes modeling and illustration. Granted if you do that, it gets pretty hot which was one of my criticisms for the original desktop level surface. Now with the surface pro 3, the heat issue has pretty much been taken care of and now there’s a pro 4 being revealed next month with specs that far outshine what the 3 had. Would I use these over my cintiqs (notice the plural)? No, why would anyone do that? But if one is on the go and needs something to work with, it does fill the gap. These devices, the ipad pro included, are not meant to replace the desktop experience.

Regarding the display… they are very fine… dont be blind. Its one of the best displays out there in tablet form, both with resolution and ppi. Samsung makes their own displays so they generally have better and Apple gets theirs made for them by Samsung. Go figure.

I still have an iPad 2 as around the time I bought it, I tried and failed to successfully use it for productivity, although more recently i’ve been using it for simple things, and i’m quite happy Apple continue to keep it updated.

My Sony VAIO Duo 13 gets used more and with a 13’ screen, is less awkward to work on than the Surface Pro lineup, but is still problematic on programs like Blender. Windows 10 is better, but I totally agree with you on the lack of proper touch input and interpretation by programs - it just being registered as a mouse click can be extremely problematic in certain applications, and very few apps support touch well enough to be used without a keyboard and mouse. I actually tried designing my own toolbars for the device to alleviate some of my issues with the interaction of the device and to make a better touch interface with apps like Substance Designer and Blender (, but abandoned it due to the technical difficulty required to make the interaction bug-free and feel good. In the end the device is now just a YouTube and internet browser, which sucks :l

Tbh if the iPad Pro just nails the ability to doodle notes and draw i’ll be happy, because so far there isn’t a device that really gets that right.

No. It’s all in your head. You try to push every apple user as one unified identity that love everything apple does and hate on everything else. If apple makes a shit product that is really shit, like Lenovo shit. Then people will leave them in an instance. Just look at Nokia. They made shit and priced it like apple. The software was awful and so on. They fell hard.

Also there is a reason why apple only have 10-15% of the market overall. Because apple fits to that percentage of people.

Marketing is nothing if the product they make is not of high quality.

Apple sells because of recommendation between 2 users. I really like macbook pro and I’ll tell that to my friends as an recommendation.

Saint - why dont you rename your tag line to: I hate Apple and I think every Apple users is stupid but I am smarter.

That is really how you come across. The MacPro is in deed a very compact pro computer for a certain application
and while quite powerful it is also very silent and thanks to the trashcan format hardly uses up any space.

But it is ok - there always have to be people who complain about things without actually understanding what the product is about.

Saint you were comparing the iPad CPU to the SP CPUs without any further explanation. If you just play with statistics without
interpretation them everybody will slap you that back into your face. In highschool one should learn to check your facts to make
an informed argument.

The extra memory car is not bad - but how often did I took those out to transfer data? Only when the phone was to slow via USB
ro wifi to do it. So Google in the Nexus lines killed the SDcard reader. The reader also has a serious hardware issue which is why
even more companies started to take them out - not just Apple. Today with so fas Wifi it is simply faster to WiFi send data to your
Mac PC or use a USB cable or sync via the cloud. Yeah there is no SD card and I dont care because opening the slot pulling the card out putting inserting it into the PC mounting it moving stuff back later bla bla bla.

I dont even use the card reader for the Digital SLR camera when I do photo shootings. It is all Wifi or USB. This also helps not at
one point killing your connections. I do not know any photographer that uses the cards when they have the ability to use Firewire USB or Wifi.

So here is the thing: there are people who complain about not enough options and others who simply see where the trend goes to.
When Apple killed the floppy disk people were laughing and who uses it today?

@ Croca

The iPad2 is pretty old an weak ahaha and the hardware does not support the Bluetooth the new pens require. I use SketchBookPro and Cencepts on it with a very basic 1.5$ stylus from Paper Mate hahaha
Really not ideal at all but it is old and I got that one for free. And for my product sketches Concepts actually works great on that old hardware.

Concepts for example allows you to import data from many sources:

Exporting however is yuk. It would be nice if you have just a folder all apps could dump there stuff.
But via the open in - should be called sent to - you can send the file to apps that can read it and
in my case you see this goes to all drawing apps as well as Google Drive (Exporting SVG).

This is really not ideal at all - it is an interesting way to send data and it works but so much clicking.

Would be great if in the Furture the apps would have a save dialog or send data to an app and the save
dialog pointing to drives like iDrive GoogleDrive Dropbox or so.

At the end this will be more up to the apps.

SketchBook and Concepts can send themselfs the data while all Adobe apps do not allow you to save on your disk only in the cloud and then you can only open them when you also own the Photoshop Illustrator CC version. Pretty walled in.

Thank you for projecting your own personal depiction of me into this thread. Its always nice to see one run away from showcasing reading comprehension in order to create their own personal boogy man. I’ll be happy to be your “boogy man” if it makes it easier for you to accept your own rhetoric… speaking of rhetoric… you make it seem like only the MAC is the only “small, quiet yet powerful” computer on the market, and give credit only to its “trashcan design”, while still missing the point of why it was brought up in the first place. (For those like myself who build computers, micro atx case and compatible hardware are a literal toystore of options).

As for that last bit, I agree though you aiming it towards someone else is somewhat… ironic.

Saint you were comparing the iPad CPU to the SP CPUs without any further explanation. If you just play with statistics without
interpretation them everybody will slap you that back into your face. In highschool one should learn to check your facts to make
an informed argument.

In highschool, one should learn to think critically and be capable of reading both treads and their posts objectively. So you saying that isn’t helping your case much.

If you did bother to read my post objectively, you would see my response was towards someone listing the SPECS between the 2 tablets, only they didnt list the entire specs…only what was convenient to paint a picture… kind of like what you are doing here. How hard is it to read the quotes of the post you choose to respond to? It cant be that hard, especially for those who come out of “high school” right? Crazy thought but… context matters.

Btw, who the hell refers to hardware specs as “statistics”? I’m a bit worried if you think they are the same thing… and you say you teach students? Ya know there is a reason I also said “Ah yes, because every app is built to take advantage of multiple cores right?”. I am stating that even with better hardware specs, if the software isnt using it to its full capacity then its “superiority” doesnt mean much. Naturally this applies to any brand of hardware, including microsoft’s entry. I never claimed otherwise.

I know you like to selectively pick and distort comments in this kind of thread, but really I havent suggested any sort of brand loyalty on my part. My criticism doesnt hit only one brand, its an equal opportunist when it comes to hardware and software. This threads basis is about Apple and how its an “alternative” to the citiq, which is utter nonsense. So from this basis, this context which you keep missing, the dialog has been about Apple, the ipad “pro” and responses to criticism of the criticism that followed. Simple. Keep it on point.

It also doesnt help that the responses to criticism, vitriolic and sentimental in nature, do not help alter the observation of the type of fandom and identity association with the user and the product I have seen so far.