Animation for a company!

Possible, but it doesn’t mean you cannot see the difference.
For this, pick up references of machines lifting real big things…

With this manipulator you will be able to move the barrel like you see in the animation, although maybe more irregularities in the movement.

Video-game like? Do you mean the animation or shaders/textures etc?

I mean shading/texturing…

Just a really quick comment, there is no benefit to doing 30 frame a sec as 24 is enough. If you have a 10second animation, you are rendering an extra 60 frames, and if you have a frame a min, that’s an extra hour of rendering

Thanks! I will try to see if thats an option I could use!

Well there might be slight differences, but it’s hard to replicate something like this. I’m not saying I couldn’t have done more work on the tool animation though.

Here’s the manipulator that is being used for this lifting tool:

Yes I know that now. In the beginning I had even faster camera animations than what you can see now. I felt that it wasn’t smooth enough, but as I know now I won’t do these fast camera movements anymore!


Just want to say thanks to all the feedback you guys are giving! I really appreciate it!

It’s up to you
but i would put such a machine in an environment that a customer is known with.
Anyways thats how i do such demonstrations for work, first i create realistic factory backgrounds people etc. (all in 3d)
However that factory should look like a clean factory (because customers like to think of their factory is a clean environment).
Then i show of newly designed machines (from my company where i work) to a custommer.
Its just a tip.

Another tip is about text usage, to long lines and you should keep away more from the border.
It should be easy to read in a demonstration room with a video beamer, keep that in mind.
So not to much text, short lines,… because the video should explain it all.
So your video should show what the device can, if it doesn’t show it all then its not a good demonstration.

I will make a factory or a warehouse looking enviroment for my next project!

The text before the lifting tool animation will be changed because of how easy it is. Great tips about the lenght of the lines etc!

I can suggest you a number of things.
>Try 3 point lighting using planes with emission material instead of lamps.
>Use compositor to mimic glare and glow on the shiny metallic edges.
>Use textures. In real world nothing is perfect. so make imperfections with noise textures.
>The tables need more detailed texturing. Why the wooden part of the table is so reflective? If it is polished then there must be some tiny bumps and dents with almost 70% reflective surface.
>move the green light to another layer. then blur the image and mix it with the original image. For reference you may follow Andrew Price’s tutorial on compositor.
>The scene needs more contrast.
>The floor looks like infinite. Add walls to indicate the limits. and a floor. Fill the room with some objects like crates, packed boxes etc.
> The kind of tables used in the scene do not match with the quality or technology being demonstrated. Get reference from some manufacturing process videos.

I used 3 planes with emission for lighting the objects, then 3 suns when I rendered the infinite floor.

I did try some glare and glow but I didn’t get a realistic look to it so I skipped it.

Texture I know! Will do it next time.

The table texture did have tiny bumps and dents but with 1280x720 and motion blur it’s hardly noticeble.

Thanks again!