ANIMAT: Widgetless, On-Model Animation in Blender UPDATE 1: 13 Oct. 2014

I’ve been slammed with other work recently, but I’ve got a free couple of weeks now where I’m going to try to get this as polished as possible!

The IK problem isn’t so much about getting zones working as it is making sure things don’t break with undo/redo/etc. Because IK can change locations and rotations in multiple channels at the same time, there are a lot of cases I have to consider to get things where I’d like them to be. I’ll figure it out though, no worries.

Okay!, i was just inputting if you were out of ideas, which you clearly arent =), hope to see it working soon, and if you need some testers gimme a shout i’d love to try it out!


Ok, great news, i am waiting patiently. Go for it, you are the man(!), i guess this will revolutionize blender animation, after initial setup this should be animation heaven. :slight_smile: Gosh, it’s like Presto in Blender. What a dream. :slight_smile: Consider maybe to put an (even paid) beta test out maybe ? If yes, then consider me already onboard. :smiley: Need it for my actual character animation.

When you release this Friday, will the release contain a downloadable “Mac Version” that installs just like any Blender installation - or will we still have to manually arrange our systems to accommodate your add-on?

Whoops! Got all tangled up in the BlenderSensei release and forum and the Animat announcement and forum. Both additions go so well together, I lost track.


Greg Smith

Hey man!
what happened to your project?
cant wait to see more! :smiley:


This is brilliant, look forward to seeing the development.
Thanks for your hardwork.

C’mon buddy, keep it up!, cant wait to see what you’re up to, so much awesome work!
Thanks a lot!!

Thanks for the kind words! I haven’t forgotten about this, I promise! Trying to get a shapekey only version out the door just so everyone can have something to work with since it’s already mostly feature complete (and the more useful option IMO). Bones are giving me hell, just because there are so many cases to take into account.

Hi! I need a free version of this… All I need in it is the shape keys… I won’t need the rig… Would it be possible for me to get this? \

Thanks so much,

This addon does not create shapekeys.
I wish the author could make this more clear. This is for controlling shapekeys you already made yourself.

You can indeed get this addon, just purchase it. If this addon ever becomes free, we’ll be the first to know right here in this thread.

I know… I needed something to move the shapekeys around with :slight_smile: Um, it’s not free at all? :frowning:

Thanks for your reply!

Sorry, from your wording I assumed you thought it produced shapes, which is actually a common misunderstanding that people have had already (not just here) My apologies, I was mistaken :slight_smile:

The money would fund the development of the addon.

Just joining this thread so I ca be notified of the release. :slight_smile:

Uhm… So whats going on when are we gonna see more of thiS?

Totally dead?, at least would you share the code so someone can continue the project?

I’m still hoping that you’ll pick this project up… it was so goodlooking.

Sorry to bring back an old topic. But m9105826’s inbox is full. Will you please release this, unfinished or not.

The python add-on project is dead. It simply wasn’t possible to do everything that needed to be done in pure python while maintaining flexibility and speed (or at all, in the case of some features) despite my original thoughts. The idea went on to become the wiggly-widgets branch if you’d like to keep tabs on it there. I doubt the original python would even work with newer versions of Blender.

I just despise when someone creates hype for an add-on they are developing and never release it. This whole thread is worthless. You should have never started it since you decided not to release it at all.

I’m not really mad at you, but it’s a general observation. I’ve been excited about a few add-ons, but then the author disappears or abandons the project without ever releasing anything but teasers. I’ve seen this countless times.

Releasing the source code, whether it works as intended, or is horrible broken, can only help other developers to learn from your code. It’s why I love that just about everything is open source for Blender! As a script developer, I could not have gotten as far as I have without studying others code.

Sorry for the rant in your old thread.

I hope some developers read it and take it to heart.

kind regards.

Long term, contributing developers love to hear from needy, freeloading artists that they are mad because the experiment they were working on didn’t make it into trunk.