An Online Material Library Add-on - Beta Version 0.6!

hi, this really does look very good, have you still been working on it?

it 's a good beginning for selection of mat in cycles

now why are there several stars in the right of a material in the new panel ?


hi Peter,
missed you in irc,
commented on your tracker page.

enough is enough.
if you cannot understand what the stars are, you need to get an education.

i’m just not certain
this should be decribe in the doc but did not see it !

is it only to say if it is more or less good mat only
which for me seems is not very usefull!

or to give other selection for same mat in the futur for instance


ok, I give up.
It’s a rating system.
the more stars you have the better quality the material is.
I would have thought that would be obvious to someone with 14,188 posts.

Awesome plugin, just what blender needs. It’ll be even better as the library grows.

wow, what a great addon! thanks for creating and sharing!

Thanks again for this addon, is it still being worked on? I know life happens so I’m not rushing you, just curious.

Im in need of some help, how exactly do I download the add-on? When I click the link it brings me to a page with python script written…but im not sure how to download it to bring into the add-on menu in blender. Im running a mac if that makes any difference. This looks completely awesome haha, I have a few materials Id like to add as well

I am definitely still working on this, but it’s on a free-time basis, since I’ve got a fair amount of schoolwork.

I sure can relate to that! Good luck, I am really looking forward to this.

Hey thank you thank you thank you
Wow, great plugin, really, really like it

Do not know how I did not see it until today
(Maybe post it on the forumplugins?)

Want to help expand the data base How do I do this?
How do I rate materials?

Once again thanks for this amazing plugin

I am close to call this something Blender should have build in.
This is an incredible idea to have an online database and instead of linking materials from blend files simply connect to an online database browse the selection and import or apply!

This is fantastic!

this is really awesome good job

This is an absolutely GREAT addon, one of the missing key-features in Blender is a material library, and yours is actually pretty great.
I just discovered it and tested it, it works amazingly with 2.64.
The usability looks pretty good, but I have a few ideas on how to improve the plugin: why not create a webpage (or a popup window in Blender) that reads the XML feed (That’s how I guess the addon works, isn’t it?) and shows a list of ALL the materials on a single page (per category/alphabetically/else) ? This way, choosing one would be easier and faster.

I know this is still an alpha, but it would be cool if we could contribute to the library and/or add out custom XML feeds/folder/repositories, so we can (kind of) merge our presets within your interface…

And yeah, a local module would be great, because we don’t always have acces to the internet while working :slight_smile:
This could maybe be possible with the idea of adding our custom (offline or online) XML file/folder/repository.

hello all
gives me error : sorry,cycles only at the moment

thank you very much

hello all
I get this message : sorry cycles only at the moment
thank you very much

Hi @QuentinG, thanks for your input. As of right now, I’m nearly finished with offline support. My addon currently treats the library XML data more as a file than as a feed; the <material> tags are wrapped by <category> tags.
Also, as the library grows, it will become more and more difficult to choose a material without having them grouped in categories.

@bjgryuh: The material library / add-on currently only support Cycles. This will be changed eventually to include more engines like Blender Internal, Yafaray, and Freestyle, but in the early stages, it’s better if I only have one render engine to worry about. Once I get a stable version of my add-on out, I’ll probably start working on BI support.

Everyone: Sadly, the next release of this addon will break materials that worked for previous versions. (I am making the .bcm format’s layout XML-based, to better handle changes within Blender and to improve security.)

Once it comes out, be sure that you upgrade, for two reasons: 1) The old addon will no longer work once I upgrade the online library, rendering it basically useless 2) The new version will have a significant increase in security and contain quite a few important new features, one of which is offline mode (Yay!), as I said earlier.

That’s all for now. Hopefully with the next version I’ll be able to finish the online interface I’ve been working on, so people will be able to submit new materials to expand the library.

This is a very cool addition… I can see this (once finished and fully functioning with users able to add content etc) being a must-have addon :smiley: Great work.

hello :slight_smile:
Hope everything’s going well with the project, looks great!

Got a couple of questions: what sort of system have you planned to allow people to add to the material library? would a relatively automatic submission of a material be possible right from inside blender, or will people have to go through a web interface?

Other little question- with recent additions of OSL in Blender, will it be possible to incorporate these sort of shaders in the material library etc?

Otherwise seriously, great work until now, I really hope this project moves in an interesting direction!

Hi there, everyone!

I’m pleased to announce that the next version (0.4) of my online material library add-on is out!
Get it here, or download it directly:

After much work, this latest version brings the following upgrades:

  1. Offline support (oh yeah!)
  2. A nifty bundled library
  3. More statistics about each material
  4. The Release library, hosted on my website
  5. Minor interface improvements
  6. Bug fixes
  7. “Save as” function
  8. Filtering of materials, so that materials for Blender 2.64 won’t show up in 2.63
  9. Lots of other awesome stuff I can’t remember :wink:

All in all, that’s some pretty cool stuff, if I don’t say so myself. Wait a minute… :confused:
Moving on.

To submit a material, simply PM me the .bcm code and a description of the material, or post the same on this thread.
You can convert a material to .bcm code by going to the “Tools” section of the add-on, selecting the text block you wish to write to, and clicking convert. Then just open up a text editor window, copy all the code, and paste it into your reply/message.
I’ll look into getting a submission form up on my website eventually, but for now, just use the forums. :slight_smile:

By the way, the “Nature” and “Plastics” categories are a bit lacking; if you’ve got any good ones, I’d love some submissions!
Any of the other categories could use materials too, but those ones sorely need some more materials. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s all for now!
I’ll be looking into getting this add-on into contrib soon, so wish me luck!