[ADDON] Siding Generator

My intentions are definitely to make it as usable and polished as possible. So, do you mind recommending things that could be made better? I looked over the Floorboard generator and the biggest difference is that his is editable after adding the object, but apart from that mine has many of the same features, just instead for siding. Love to hear a second opinion though,

Important features for production use:

-Fill ANY planar shape with sidings (without complicated user interactions)
-Update: If the shape has changed then update the siding (manual oder automatically)
-Fetch settings (its means to get the settings from another Siding-Object in the Scene to apply it to a new one)
-Material - Colorvariations (see also the Floorboard Generator for Blender)

Kind regards

Check on 3, the addon remembers your last creation. You can also add an operator preset. Check on 4 (mostly). Check on 1 as well (in the version I am working on) you just have the object selected when you add the siding and then you click ā€œFrom Objectā€, it does the rest. I will definitely look into number 2. I am not sure how much of an update it will require, but that would be very useful.
Thanks for all the suggestions!


Iā€™d also like to have Blender Internal materials.

Youā€™ll need to change the name of the addon soon, since it can be used for floors, roofs, pavementsā€¦ :yes:

still cant get it installed without it being in the script editor. got the grating generator in fine , cant figure out what iā€™m doing wrong. running windowā€™s 7 ,keep getting this errorā€¦(ā€¦ scripts\startup\bl_operators\wm.py line 1982_in_execute wm_ot_addon_install module_remove(path_addons,os.path.baseline(pyfile)) then the same with line 1908,in_module_remove os.rmdir(f_full) LAST LINE IS ā€¦ OSError:[WinError] the directory is not empty Location: <unknown location>:-1ā€¦ hope you can understand this, tried all the versions many ways of trying to get it in there. real head banger.

That is a very odd error, I tried it and got it installed just fine. What version of Blender or you using? I will try it out on a Windows 7 computer and see if I encounter anything, but the operating system shouldnā€™t matter.

Version 0.5 is up and available with some pretty big updates. Link in the main post

This is a pretty bizarre error, I tried it on windows 7 with 2.72a and I have no problem installing it if the file was in a location other than the 2.72/scripts/addons folder. If I put it in that folder it gave me a different error then yours saying that the file was in the addon search path. Pretty odd, I also get this on windows 8. I will look into getting this fixed, for the moment try moving the addon to a different location and installing it from there.

Awesome I had to use ring cuts, extrude every cut, then face them with the original cut above it. MIND NUMBING!!! Thanks a lot I havenā€™t actually done any projects with it yet, but I did mess around with it and it works just as advertised as far as I can tell.

Awesome! Glad to hear that!

This is really cool. I will be sure to use this one day for sure. Iā€™m using maya at the moment (boo) but once I get free time again I would love to make an interior/exterior with this.

One request I suppose which would be kinda cool would be options to make the walls look older/warped? It would be interesting to do something like:

  1. Weight paint an area you want there to be damage/warping (or skip this and just apply everything as warped).
  2. Apply the generations.
  3. Tweak.

Just a thought, I can understand if you lack the time for it but I can dream :stuck_out_tongue:

For making older warped wood walls all it takes is an image texture and a normal map. As long as your image looks older than you are ok. Like this:

although I do think I found a little bit of a problem when adding this material, so I had to finish it from the node editor.

Sorry I was unclear, I meant that the geometry that is generated in that area becomes warped (which can be due to aging). Or falling apart with holes and such. Not so much an actual texture just be placed there.

So basically a displacement modifier. It is something I will look into, part of me is hesitant due to the fact that the faces and verts will add up very quickly. Probably necessitating the need of manual updating of the mesh (think Ivy Gen). Where you click when to update, but this is how it would be done. With a bump map.


Thanks for your clarifications.
As soon as I find a little time I will try to answer in detail.

BTW: I very like the great progress you do with that Addon !

Kind regards

ok iā€™ll try that cant hurt. (responce to #52)

woho, donā€™t know what happened but went right in first time today, didnā€™t do anything different. Right from downloads to ā€œsave from fileā€ and done. if you fixed something thanks if not what the hell its working now. .

Glad it worked this time!

Wow. What an incredible add-on. One thing I have run up against, and it may possibly be just me being dense. The current project I am working on, and several others after this, have to be done in a metric scale. So far, I have been converting the metric dimensions into feet/inches. But would it be possible to add this functionality in?

I will definitely look into how would be the best way to incorporate that.