[Addon] Particle mesh/hair driver "P-mh driver" (v0.3.1)

I’m getting an error when I try to activate the addon:

ImportError: no module named ‘p_mh_driver v0’

I’m using a 32bit version of Blender 2.69
Python 2.7.8

@Auuman Anubis: Sorry for that, I forgot to remove my “version control” from the file name. It is fixed now!

It’s working fine now :slight_smile:

And thanks to Pyroevil for the timely release of molecular v1.02 I can finally test this now :smiley:

And I must say, I’m blown away by the results. I know the simulation side is thanks to pyroevil, but I really had no use for their amazing addon without being able to translate the result to a mesh. Thank to you, I can get those results reflected onto a mesh, thank you :slight_smile:

This is really execllent, and the default values that are set when creating a particle mesh are great, I didn’t need to tweak anything, it just worked.

I hope to see a progress bar when Pmh is baking to the cloth, I know it’s a short wait, but I need to know when it’s processing, or if I froze it :lol

Thanks, great addon! I hope you continue developing for this.

After a long time without updates, I have finally released a new version! This version adds no new features, I have only made some bug fixes (check changelog), and the slightly greater change is that I am now using a kd-tree for the particle search, which increases search performance by 10% to 50% depending on your mesh. (btw, that is just search speed, not overall speed)
Also, now that Molecular is available for Blender 2.71 (big thanks to Pyroevil and scorpion81), this release officially supports 2.71, and does no longer require you to install numpy, as it is already bundled with current releases of Blender. I might also add, that this release no longer supports previous versions of Blender!
Expect hair compatibility soon!

@Auuman Anubis: Glad to hear you got it to work! I set up the default values, to be a ballance between good results and performance, it’s great to hear feedback. Now about the progress bar, I don’t think I’ll be adding one, as that would require me to use modal operators, and I really don’t want to mess with that. But you can track progress in the System Console!

Awesome, a performance update! I’ll be downloading this :slight_smile:

That’s fine about the progress bar, build time it’s so fast anyway. Thanks for the tip about tracking it via console, I’ll do that :slight_smile: