[AddOn] Monster Tile Renderer (update 15-Aug-'12)

My Tools contains options for do something like this, but only for rendering : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rDBWFm0E3c

This is a very good idea!!! The new compositor is a good option for recompose the render…


Sorry guys im pretty new with python. Installed version 3.2.3 and im running OsX 10.6.8
I start terminal and run python by simple typing python in the console.
I than drop the file from the desktop into the terminal to get the right path, it than spits out this error

File “<stdin>”, line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I dont know what to do from here

Okay, i probably did something wrong here but running the script like this gave me this error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “<stdin>”, line 1, in <module>
File “/users/romboutversluijs/desktop/test_tile_rednder/stitch_images_24.py”, line 25, in <module>
db = Image.open(filepath)
File “/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/PIL/Image.py”, line 1952, in open
fp = builtin.open(fp, “rb”)
IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory

i dont understand why it uses python 2.6

well i dont know what i did, but i got it to work through a python launcher or something

Have you installed Python Image Library??? PIL is a separate Library that you have to install apart from Python. If it is not installed, you would get errors

The PIL unfortunately doesn’t have official releases for python 3.x. It’s common for people to have Python 2.x and 3.x installed side by side (in different working directories, or as a virtual environment) because there are a great number of Python libraries that are not yet ported to Python 3.

There are unofficial (Py3 compatible) precompiled PIL versions for windows users, those are what i use on my windows machine. I have not yet managed to compile PIL for python 3.x on linux (but it is possible, i’ve read success stories - but i don’t have the time or incentive)

I wrote a GIMP plugin for those who are having a hard time with PIL, warning - it is a fair bit slower.

  • installation, .py must be chmod +x (executable)
  • placed into the appropriate gimp directory, ( you will find it at Preferences->Folders->Plug-ins )
  • import renders are layers
  • file->create->Image Composite

Your Script is great but is doesn’t (yet) stitch the renderstripes automatically together, right ?

Kind regards

THis sounds like a great script - I found this after I created a scene that is enormous and won’t render large enough for my needs. So I installed this script but then realized reading here that it does not support Cycles yet. Can anyone recommend a similar script that does support cycles?

Just FYI - it crashes when in cycles.


@ rabassa you can try my script its similar but simpler and i tried on Cycles and there was no crash.

It was written before cycles came on the scene, i just tested this and it does work with cycles. I can only suggest you read the documentation and start blender from a os/cmd/terminal window so you can see the progress as it renders. Blender will be unresponsive for the duration of the total render time, but it will be doing stuff in the background and will be printing the following information to your terminal window

current subset list []
==================== New Job ====================
destination folder /home/zeffii/Downloads/lander/
rendered 01_01.png
rendered 02_01.png
rendered 01_02.png
rendered 02_02.png

But it will not stich the renderparts together automaticaly, right ?

Kind regards

i wrote scripts for automatic stitching.

  • for python 2.7
  • for python 3.2 ( if you can get PIL to work on your system)
  • for gimp 2.6
  • for gimp 2.8

You will find links to these scripts in the documentation on github. Yes they auto-stitch, but they are separate from the rendering process.

  • render tiles first
  • stitch with stitcher script when completed.

It’s still better than doing it by hand :slight_smile:

Thanks for the hint.

I don’t understand why you use two separted scripts. Isn’t it possible to expand one script with autostitch-function ?

If you render an animation you would have to autostitch each frame separatly or can you stitch all frame in one run ?

Kind regards

That’s a valid question and I have wondered if I should include auto-stitcher as an automatic (but optional) step - it shouldn’t be difficult. The main issue is that I lack incentive to spend time on something I do not need.

I guess my IQ is to low for coding, else I would change to code by myself :slight_smile:

But when I find some time I’ll give it a try. Maybe I will asked some stupid questions after then :wink:

Kind regards

Alain, i wrote an article about possible ways of approaching how to learn code.

blender-python-bpy-frequently-asked.html. I think it’s safe to say that if you are able to operate blender to the point that you feel the need to render at 4k, then you can spare the brain power to learn to script. But that’s a topic for a different thread.

Seems so. But then, how to divide a monster image into multiple jobs? That would be great to speed up rendering single images with a (private) farm…


I see no entries for a long time, so is tried the script with blender 2.71 and is the network rendering was added to the script?

As far as I searched there is still nothing like it anywhere else.


I no longer own multiple computers so implementing and testing network rendering is more hassle than I have time for. I haven’t needed to do large renders for quite a while now and have not used the script lately. Maybe if you explain which features you are looking for and under what circumstances you might use them, someone can point you to the current alternatives.

Is there any replacement for this? I’m using cycles and here’s this 20k x 20k render I have to do like 8-10 times, my best bet so far is Ctrl + B selecting a 3x3 grid in viewport and rendering that. Is there something more straightforward?