[Addon] Mocap with Multiple Cameras

Just sharing for those interested:

Had some fun, I’m trying to learn mocap to do VFX. Your software works great once I understood how to do it, now I just need rigging that’s as high quality.


Hello Nerk, are you still working on this addon?

Hi Andrea, I’m not sure what else I could do that would be useful.

I really did it just as an experiment. I thought it would show that the positioning was not accurate enough to be useful, but it worked better than I thought. But unexpectedly I found blender’s tracking was the weakest part. It works great when you use it for tracking landscape where there are fine details that don’t change much from frame to frame, but is painfully unreliable when tracking a marker that rotates as you move. It works best I found if you wear dark clothing against a dark background and have brightly coloured spherical markers. Then you have to do it all again for the second camera angle and then possibly the third. It’s too painful!

The ‘witness camera’ branch would change that I think. The tracking would be much simpler and reliable if the markers from each camera were tracked at the same time, using the 3d information to track better. You can’t really do this as a python addon.

Having said that, I do use it myself occasionally when I can’t get an animation to look right. I don’t try to use it as a full mocap system, just as a good 3d reference.

For anyone that does want to play with the code, it is on github here:

Thank you @Nerk for the answer! i tried to install the multicam reconstruction branch but i had problem with missing library in Linux.
Anyway i think that your addon is useful for a mix of keyframe reference and mocap solution !

I recently learnt to use your addon and i find it really useful. Using the created empties, I tried to create an armature but the bones’ rotation is becoming too messy. I used the copy and track constraints. For example, while rotating right thigh, it completely reverses its direction after some point. Can you please make a video explaining how to use those empties to create a proper armature?

Never mind I got it. I used copy location constraint and damped track constraint for the positions and rotations of the bones and then Pose ->Animation->Bake Action -> Visual keying, clear constraints, to obtain the final animation

Hello Nerk,

Do you think that you could update the addon to work with blender 2.8 beta. My computer has trouble tracking using 2.79 and being able to use a real time render would be helpful.

I tried altering the code to give it a version of 2.8 and found the triangulate option but only received an error message after setting up scene.


Hi Smart_Stuff,

I’ve updated the addon for Blender 2.8. Here’s a link to the github page with download links:
GitHub Page

Let me know if there’s any issues - I only did a quick test.

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hi i am new to blender motion tracking and by chance found your addon so i have a question i have a premade and rigged armature can i use the addon on it ?

I’m afraid it’s only a fairly simple addon, made to test the concept of locating 3d points using two calibrated cameras. It will simply place ‘empties’ at the 3D locations of the tracked markers.

For my purposes I then used location and tracking constraints to make a rig follow the empties. The addon doesn’t do this. It was a bit rough, and in particular there is no provision to ‘re-target’ if the rig geometry is significantly different to the mocap model.


can we create custom mocap bvh file for animation with video or camera recording

I am trying to use the triangulate addon. When I click triangulate, nothing happens. I’ve renamed my cameras to my video files and added a track with the same name as the empties I’ve added to my scene. I only have two empties. I’m not sure what the issue is? I don’t think I need 8 empties since I’m not solving the camera for anything. Any thoughts? I’d upload the file, but new users can’t upload. Thanks