[Addon] Massive Editor - edit objects / add modifier on multiple objects

Yup! Implemented and (mostly) working. I’m still very new to programming though so it’s fairly rough and hacky… for example, applying the target object only works for the first constraint in the stack and there are some other quirks that need ironing out. (You’re more than welcome to look at what I’ve pieced together so far if you want. Although, I should probably clean it up a little.)

To edit the location of multiple objects via interactive mode, you could apply a copy location constraint to the objects (there’s a copy constraint to selected objects feature in the Object->Constraints menu), set a target object at the location you’d like the objects to move towards, then use Massive Editor with the ‘constraints[“Copy Location”].influence’ datapath to move the objects:

Here’s a quick demo.


Ok, So there could be an option to have instead of just “Value”, have “Value A” and “Value B” (C,D, E etc. if the user wants) and what would happen is that the first object in the selected objects would get A’s value, 2nd would get B’s, 3rd would get A’s (with A’s increment added), 4th: B(with B’s increment) etc. If the user wanted 3 values, same thing but with C added.

Then there could be options to pick how the values are chosen: like it might go |A, B, C, D, A, B, C, D| or |A, B, C, D, C, B, A|… So different patterns with how the values are picked to be applied to the selection of objects.

So these would all be values affecting the same property, just with different sets of values being applied.

To take this script further, there could be an option to edit multiple properties in one go. Which would pretty much be duplicating the entire property panel. So the user could copy 2+ datapaths and have them applied in one go.

I’ll have a go at seeing what I can come up with later tonight :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: For this A/B Value offset thing, I guess it only makes sense in the context that your collection of objects have some sort of meaningful order to them. (And that you select them with something like the circle selection tool to get the ordering of selection right).

So a use-case might be something like you have a bunch of fence posts that you’d like to stretch with a deform modifier. Maybe most of them you only want to stretch a little bit and have them gradually increase and decrease in value. However, every 8th post might be a corner post so you might want a more extreme value for that one so you could set it to a different value.

The example’s a bit contrived but it could be useful in the right circumstance for editing things that stretch on for a distance, and have some difference every nth object, and maybe overall change shape so simply duplicating one segment a bunch wouldn’t work.

EDIT: Oh… I just realized the selection order doesn’t seem to be something that’s incorporated into a selection. :stuck_out_tongue: That sorta throws a wrench in this idea. :smiley:

New version with support of nodes and keyframes :slight_smile:
Hope you’ll like it.

–> download Massive Editor addon for Blender v0.2

i found a way, thanks.

is there a way to edit cycles lights strenght? i tried to use “Copy data path”… but not working…

What is not working? I can change strenght of emission nodes with inputs[1].default_value.

Its not working when you have more than one light selected.

Ok, yes indeed. Good idea to edit nodes through different object. I’ll try to add that soon.

Hello, your addon works very well. But it seem that not work with properties of the object data tab.
For example the auto smooth check box.
Do you think it’s possible to do that?

Hello Gabriel,
Actually it works but you need to add “data.” before the data path.


Some properties needs it like data.shadow_soft_size for example.
To know if you need to add something, you can see the command from the “info” panel when the value is changed.

If someone has an ideas for the addon to avoid that, I will be glad to here it! :slight_smile:

After looking over the code, I see that you are constantly referencing bpy.context instead of using the context provided to you by the caller.

def execute(self, context):
        active_scene = bpy.context.scene
        selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects

Shouldn’t it be…?

def execute(self, context):
        active_scene = context.scene
        selected_objects = context.selected_objects

I just googled up a storm for an hour or so trying to find this, having forgotten the name!

Glad to have found it again, but I was wondering if this is still being worked on? And if so, have you commited it to contrib? I think a lot of people could find a use for this plugin and I’d like to see it included.

edit: I also have a few suggestions:
-Adding your own presets
-Automatically changing the Type based on the preset. Like ‘checkbox’ for Wire, ‘number’ for Subsurf Level.
-Displaying multiple properties at once.
-Linking properties to objects, and recalling them after Blender closes and reopens. (through the ‘Custom Properties’ in the Object or Data panel?)

Thanks for your interest.
I didn’t do much since the last release. I will probably start it again from scratch or at least remove bad stuff I did because it was my first addon script and I’ve learn a lot more now.
I’d like to have a more easy panel to use. Like Gabriel_S asked just above, it’s not always obvious if .data is needed before the property or not. I don’t really know what’s the best “design” for that tool.

Hi VincentG,

Peut-être en français, stp? Peux tu expliquer le “interactive mode”, je ne trouve pas.

Par exemple, je choisis meshs selectionnés et checkbox axe valeur 1
Que fait le “interactive mode” par rapport à “Execute” normal car chez moi il ne se passe rien?

Merci d’avance pour tes explications, stp.

Hi, I’m looking for this addon but the link iis broke, could you help me to find it please?