[AddOn] bTrace 1.1 - updated 03-21-12

Ahhh, something weird was happening with the encoding. I just updated the git with a newer version as well as a new file. There is now an “init.py” file. This allows the script to reside inside a separate folder and still be recognized by Blender as an Addon. For example “addons_extern/btrace/bTrace_26.py” (init.py file needs to be in that directory as well). If you don’t have it in a sub-folder, the you don’t need that additional file.

If this doesn’t work, let me know what OS you’re on. Thanks for the bug report blendswap!

Not sure I’m using this right, in my blender folder I have a folder named scripts that I store the scripts I use in. I added the new btrace.py and the ini.py I still don’t get a error, I also updated my blender to r41903, and ran the script via the text editor, no error this time but still no success. I’m running Mac OS 10.6.8. Hope that helps let me know if you need me to do more testing. Thanks for your help.

Ok so I created your file structure in my blender folder and assigned the scripts path to that folder. I still cannot load btrace via the addons menu. But when I load it from text it works, after the toolbar reset. Once it’s running it still doesn’t show up in the addons menu, not sure if it should or not. Also if I save that as User Defaults it doesn’t show up after I close and reload blender. So I have to load it from text every time for it to work. Super strange.

Ok, seriously… I think I’ve got this figured out now. I just went and downloaded the file from my link at GitHub. It was doing the same thing. Something is happening when the file is downloaded directly from the GitHub page.

Try downloading from this link which is a zip file of the repository.

I’m hoping this works for you! If it does I’ll update the link on the first page.

On another note, stay tuned as I’m working on an upgrade to this script to try and use some new toys in the API!

Worked Great, installed from the addons menu just fine. Thanks so much. I love this plugin it’s great for Motion Graphics work, can’t wait to see the new version. We need more stuff like this for mograph professionals. Love it. Thanks again.

bTrace 1.0 is now ready! (updated the first post with this same info)

The purpose of this script is to add tools that are similar to C4D Tracer. These type of tools will come in particularly handy for motion graphic artists.

Since I first combined some of liero’s great scripts last April and made the first version bTrace, I’ve gone through and added more options and tools to the existing tool set.

You can download the script here (link will download a zip file), you can install the same as any other addon or run the script through the text editor: http://www.thewooddesign.com/blender/bTrace.zip

When the script is installed, a panel shows up in the properties toolbar when an object is selected.

Each tool has it’s own button with the options hidden by default, showing the tool also gives the option to show additional settings for that particular tool. The five main tools (Object Trace, Object Connect, Handwriting, Particle Trace, Particle Connect) all share common settings for the most part. Each tool creates a curve as the end result. The settings for the curve created can be setup under the Universal Curves Settings button.

Most of the tools also have the option to add a grow curve animation which animates the curve radius.

A quick explanation:
Brush Trace: Creates a curve by joining points of a mesh in a continuous manner or by all edges. Options to modulate the curves radius or add distortion to mesh before converting.

Objects Connect: Join selected objects with a curve and add hooks to each node.
Particle Trace: Creates a curve from each particle of a system. Keeping particle amount under 250 will make this run faster.
Particle Connect: Connects each particle of a system with a continuous curve.

Handwriting Tool: And updated version of the Handwriting tool from liero and Meta-Androcto, creates an animated curve using the grease pencil.
Grow Curve Animation: Animate the radius of a curve over time. Can be run alone on a curve object, or run with the tools above.
F-Curve Noise: Quick link to add a F-Curve modifier to an object.

Each script has a number of different options which can be used to create some very interesting effects. I don’t have time to explain them all, but highly encourage you to play around with them.

A lot of these scripts are based off the work from liero and included with his permission, who I have to give most the credit for the logic behind these. Liero, you rule and thank you. Also a lot of thanks to Mackraken who gave me a lot of great advice. Meta-Androcto and Atom have also helped great, even if indirect ways.

Lastly, any suggestions/bugs/feedback would be very much welcomed. I’m still doing my best to learn python so I can’t guarantee everything works perfect on this. Hope everyone enjoys!

Thank you crazy courier;
im testing it now and will report my experiences…

Here a nice ‘work together’ http://www.petergragert.info/BlenderFiles/btrace_geodesic_domes.htm
a SWF plugin used!

Nice PKHG! It’s fun to play with isn’t it. Looking forward to seeing what others make with it!

YES indeed big fun!

Loving this, finally got it work, will let you know my thoughts once I have time to dive in, deep. Thanks for this.

Wowow!! Liero, this is the add-on I’ve been looking for all this time :slight_smile: Super~

whoa gotta test this out, this looks so good it really should be distributed in svn trunk scripts.

Very helpful tools. Ive been hoping for a grow curve tool. We have shape keys for curves but but alt s for scale a section of the curve does not work. If we could get a little more control over the curve growth I have many ideas for growing vines I have not been able to do yet.

Glad everyone is liking the tool, I’d love to see any work people are doing with it! I have a few more ideas for the grow curve animation tool that I’d like to implement. But I’m currently swamped with a few big projects so I won’t have time to sit down with this until next week.

If anyone has any other ideas of things to add to this let me know. I’m all ears!

Can this awesome BTrace, traces Keyed Particles? I tried it but does not seem to work? Maybe I did it wrong.

@enzyme69, I just tested it and you’re totally right in that it doesn’t work. I hadn’t really used keyed particles, but it would be nice to have that work correctly.

I’ll see what I can figure out. If anyone has any clues to give me a head start on finding this I’d be happy! It seems that bpy.context.object.particle_systems.active.particles[aparticle].location doesn’t update with a keyed particle system.

cheers for looking at this crazycourier. maybe liero can help :slight_smile:

this script really rocks, I like the implementation. it can be really heavy when I use a lot of particles, but anyway, under a good setup, keeping thing efficient, it is all good.

hi and thanks for this great add-on. I could really need it, but I have problems to connect to objects via a script. when I just execute


in the console, nothing happens. how do I call this script?

Hi crazycourier. Thanks for your quick response. I think i found the code lines in your addon that generate the curve for two objects.so i will implement this function directly in my script. If i release it you will be of course cited.

Thank you