[Addon] Advanced UI Menus

Version 1.1 Released!

Fixed a bug with the view menu, and I am proud to announce, added a new fully customizable menu. Please see first post for details.

Happy Blending.

Have been try it, and feel happy. Thanks for making this, will try in real production :slight_smile:

Good. I look forward to hearing how it holds up.


I have changed the name of the addon to better reflect what it does, and I have applied to get it into addons_contrib. Thanks to all who have tested and provided feedback.

Happy Blending

Small update: fixed a couple things with the delete menu.

Update! Version 1.4 released

Added support for Blender 2.75
Added all kinds of new features
Polished basically everything

Happy Blending

update to 1.4a, fixed bug with custom menus

iiiiii… here, a happy smile on my face :D. Thank you.

looks really advanced

@burnin: You’re welcome. :slight_smile:
@fdfxd: You haven’t seen anything yet :evilgrin:

Does it work under 2.76??? I’ve installed the addon but nothing appears when i press the shortcuts

Anyway it seems very interesting

I haven’t had a chance to test it with 2.76 yet. Most of it should work, but there always seems to be something I need to fix when a new blender version comes out. I will try to test with 2.76 and release a new version soon.

@dezet It seems to work fine with 2.76 for me. Do you get any errors/is anything printed in the console? And one other thing, remember to hold the key down for a couple seconds to bring up the menu for menus like the Mode Menu (hotkey=TAB) – see the first post for a list of menus/hotkeys.

Hi! When I install the addon I have no popup errors. When trying to tap any of your addon shortcuts nothing appears. Also the Console doesn’t print anything. But when uninstalling it I have this error:

So it seems the problem is on my side. But I have no idea what to do :frowning:

So nothing happens when you tap the PERIOD key (.)? The fact that it errors on unregister is annoying, but it shouldn’t have any effect on using it; what is weird is that it can’t find Object Non-modal. You might be able to fix it by loading the factory settings; File->Load Factory Settings.

when pressing period key (.) I invoke pie menu named VIEW3D_PIE_pivot. After deactivating the pie and pressing ‘.’ I can just change pivot to cursor. I do not want to load the factory setting as I have too many things set and don’t want to loose them.
Anyway thanks for Your answer

It seems that blender’s Official Pie Menus completely override my menus. Try disabling the official pie menus, then disabling and re-enabling the Advanced UI Menus. I will put a note in the first post that the official pie menus and mine conflict.

Thanks Imaginer for your quick reply. Unfortunately your hints doesn’t work for me and I still can’t invoke any one of your popup menus.

Thanks Imaginer, years back I had coded up a keymap that had very similar menus in it, but I had a hdd failure and lost it among a lot of my previous work, stumbled onto this add-on, and am grateful at the time it saves me.

Also have a bug to report, missing the sculpt brush type SIMPLIFY from the icon dict in brushes.py, here is some screen-shots;

I imagine most people don’t even know about this brush as it is not available by default, but it can be really useful in dyntopo workflow.