Add-on: Move faces along normals

This addon is for Blender 2.73 RC only.

You can download the old version, compatible with Blender 2.72, here:
But you can’t move edges or vertices with this version, only faces (and this old version will stop working on version 2.73).

One more thing: I noticed the link on first post is not updated with the most recent version of the script, I made something wrong when I pushed it to Github. There is a link to the correct script (the one compatible with Blender 2.73) here:

I will fix the link in the original post when I find what I did wrong.


I just tried it but I got the same result by using Alt + S (and Even Thickness ON). I duplicated 1/4 of cylinder and tried your script on the 1st and Alt + S (Even Thickness ON) on the 2nd and no difference. Did I miss anything ?

Hahaha, sweet :slight_smile:

Hello, i just installed the updated script and i’m getting this error:
Blender 2.73 hash: b4d8fb5 System: OS X Yosemite 10.10.1

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.73/scripts/addons/”, line 36, in execute
some_face_was_affected = self.translate_faces(bm, True)
File “/Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.73/scripts/addons/”, line 52, in translate_faces
self.translate_verts(mesh, calculated_translations_by_vertex_index)
File “/Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.73/scripts/addons/”, line 72, in translate_verts
vertex = mesh.verts[vertex_index]
IndexError: BMElemSeq[index]: outdated internal index table, run ensure_lookup_table() first

location: <unknown location>:-1

Well, I made the changes I talked about before, and now it doesn’t matter the “selection mode” anymore. I think it is more easy to understand and avoid some possible confusions.

But, change the distance with the mouse movement… I can’t make it work. The documentation of the api is so frustrating… it simply doesn’t work as the docs say when the operator is called from a menu. I made a workaround, but this workaround doesn’t work with the slider. So, I give up for now. Maybe in 2017. :smiley:

Of course, if anyone knows how to solve the issue, I accept collaborations on Github.

I Cant get Edges to work. If i select a edgeloop and want to move them along the normals, the whole mesh is moved.
best regards.

Can you try again with the new version? I uploaded a new one yesterday. If the issue still happens, send me the Blender file (or a screenshot).

Semms that the latest additions to Shrinken/fatten does the same like the Fan addon:

Nevertheless thank you so much Marcio for this important mesh operator!

Yes, I also noticed it few posts above :).

Some of my posts on this thread are missing… :confused: I was waiting for the moderato’s approval…


dank0, check the version of the add-on. It must be 1.3. I think you still have the 1.0.

Manolo76 and Tungee, I still can’t have the same behaviour with the shrinken/fatten tool. Look at these cube:

Using the shrinken / fatten I have this:

(you can see the deformation)

Using Move Along Normals:

(no deformation)

But I can’t find the “Even Thickness ON” you mentioned, where is this setting?

With Shrink / Flatten active look at the info line (bottom left of the 3d window). The options listed for Even as “Alt” or “S” - “s” toggles even on/off, “Alt” provides Even when held down.

Yes, thanks. I think you are right. Well, even better. I don’t need to make the “mouse movement” stuff anymore. :smiley:

Is there a difference between this and alt+s?

You HAVE to have 2.73. I just had the exact same problem. I upgraded and fixed it.

If you use alt+s and keep holding alt, no, I think there isn’t any difference. I made this script when this feature was not implemented on Blender yet (or, at least, I didn’t know). So, now you can use alt+s instead of install the add on. :wink:

Yes, that was a good addon, I used it from the beginning. Before Alt+S was along vertices normals, not face normals.

how to fix this ? , i use blender version 2.70

Very very useful. Big thanks

Very very useful. Big thank