A new fork of the engine

Can we have an UPBGE Linux 64-bit build that doesn’t throw off the libOpenImageI/O error for me? I know that it may be fault in my computer, but it still requires solution. Maybe it can be packed inside the build somehow?

Nice bug tracking PQFTS.

Maybe get this guy involved in the branch?

The pqtfgs’ bug about character max jump value is fixed in BF BGE.

Can we have a new UPBGE windows build?

Currently we only create a build for each release, we don’t have a compile server and we can not fill graphicall with our build.

Can we have an UPBGE Linux 64-bit build that doesn’t throw off the libOpenImageI/O error for me? I know that it may be fault in my computer, but it still requires solution. Maybe it can be packed inside the build somehow?

I will try to build the next UPBGE release with static libraries.

Good! Hopefully it will solve the issue. Thanks!:slight_smile:
I must really see if I can continue Worn Tries development with the UPBGE. If so, it’d be already one optimisation step that I even wouldn’t have done myself:D
Oh! And how much of this is planned to be merged into Blender master? (Please say “All!”, please say “All!”:D)

Thx, for the answer. Can i post feature request on the github?

Thx, for the answer. Can i post feature request on the github?

You can, but keep in mind that we can’t do everything, so if a feature request is incomplete or injustified we will don’t care of it.

[is there any way to implement static draw call batching easily now that we have VBO in the branch?/QUOTE].

I’m thinking about a system with object group batching.

[QUOTE]also, do you have a pay pal or something?

I always wanted to support bge development but no one to pay :stuck_out_tongue:

Currently there’s no reason to use money, the web server cost nothing and all dev are volunteer. If you want, you can pay the BF but i’m not sure it will help the BGE directly.

Any plans for upgrade of the shadows, like CSM = Cascaded Shadow Maps?

That thing is awesome.

But simplier things first. We need support for multiple UVs in nodes. It’d make it possible to mqnage lightmaps well in nodes.

Currently, we’re experimenting with the new 2D Filter system by @pgi. It’s pretty good so far and it’s easier to extend than the original.

I’ve made some text editor improvements, like a proper syntax highlighter for GLSL and toggle comments with Ctrl+/

I’m thinking about a system with object group batching.

very cool.

I am running into the same objects collision shape again and instances of compound objects sharing collision data.

Good news, just dont forget to make some video of the new 2d filter.
@BPR, its hardware instancing, what you are talking about.
Nvidia have made some opengl sample examples. Got some good stuff in it: -> https://github.com/NVIDIAGameWorks/OpenGLSamples

But simplier things first. We need support for multiple UVs in nodes. It’d make it possible to mqnage lightmaps well in nodes.

@@adriansnetlis Could you send me a file with a simple and complexes case of UV used with nodes ?

What kind of file? You mean when I’d need 2 UV channels? A case that doesn’t work in BGE? If so, I can make one now.

A very basic demo file(in this case pretty pointless version, but it quite previews problem). You can see there 2 textures that use different UVs. Here in viewport it looks good(except low lightmap samplerate). But once you press P, it doesn’t look like that. It is because in nodes object use only the selected UV when you run game. And setting different UV in “Geometry” node doesn’t matter. Currently there are 3 solutions:
*Bake it out to ultra-large texture. This means incredibly low framerates.
*Bake it all out to low(1024 or 2048) texture. This means very, very low quality.
*Don’t use lightmap. This also results in low quality.
This is why people may need 2 UV channels in nodes. They help obtaining high quality without breaking framerates:)

@@adriansnetlis: The bug is fixed in https://github.com/UPBGE/blender/commit/c39e91c349d8ed03df5f226ddc3cc8c0d2a81ad4.

Awesome! Thank you very much. I am waiting for this feature among with many others to be soon implemented in Blender master? How high chance do we have to see them(or at least part of them) in 2.77? If we can’t, than I may propably consider using UPBGE for my games once there is a build that I can run with particularry broken dependencies due to some OS upgrades without dependencies being updated or sth like that…:smiley:

I wanted to note that installing the “install_deps.sh” again fixed OpenImageIO. However, now the console outputs

error while loading shared libraries: libjpeg.so.62: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

when I try to run the UPBGE build 0.01. What’s this?

@adriansnetlis: what if you install libraries manually:

<b>sudo</b> <b>apt-get</b> update; <b>sudo</b> <b>apt-get</b> <b>install</b> <b>git</b> build-essential \ libx11-dev libxi-dev \
 libsndfile1-dev \
 libpng12-dev libjpeg-dev libfftw3-dev \
 libopenexr-dev libopenjpeg-dev \
 libopenal-dev libalut-dev libvorbis-dev \
 libglu1-mesa-dev libsdl1.2-dev libfreetype6-dev \
 libtiff5-dev libavdevice-dev \
 libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libavcodec-dev libjack-dev \
 libswscale-dev libx264-dev libmp3lame-dev python3.5-dev \  libspnav-dev libtheora-dev libglew-dev
