
it should work fine - perhaps it’s a bug in the camera export. i’ll check when i get home, otherwise might hit you up for a test file.


Really nice, thx a lot.

Sometimes the tabs in properties window gets crazy and display almost everything in closed tabs.
Have to close and reopen the file, didn’t try to save when UI gets crazy.

Thanks! will put a simple scene together.

I just tested a very simple scene with camera rotation, and it seems fine. Let me know if you get a test file sorted!

Motion blur feature is really fast and good !

Camera rotation ok here also.

Yep, I don’t know what I was doing last night, but today I cannot break it!

motion blur very good indeed!

Cool, thanks alot Matt :slight_smile: Good to see the project is still alive and well :slight_smile: And nice to see that my changes also made it through (deep shadow maps and motionblurred raytraced shadows), I had some ambitious plans to contribute more (smoke sim) but I guess my python-retardation and real life issues caused more friction than expected, hehe. Thanks again


(heh heh)

I’m loving this the more I learn!..

Loafmag, smokesim would be awesome, but I know about "real life"™!

I’ve noticed that often the materials UI seems to go mental and only draw headers of panels…
console prints loads of errors

location:<unknown location>:-1

location:<unknown location>:-1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/michael/svn-blender/install/linux2/2.57/scripts/addons_contrib/render_3delight/ui.py", line 1578, in draw
    rm = context.texture.renderman
AttributeError: 'Context' object has no attribute 'texture'

the context attribute causing the error seems to change… (could be “armature”, “texture” or whatever)

I think this happens if I start rendering and hit “esc”, change a parameter, start a new render then hit “esc” again…

it doesn’t happen everytime, just when I’m tweaking stuff here and there, happens with materials… happens with particles…

…With particles, would it be possible to use blender’s object and group modes? or is that incompatible with renderman style stuff?

I’m such a noob with this!

the best place to start with would be with this, https://renderman.pixar.com/products/rispec/index.htm, it should give you some clues of what kind of attributes points/particles can have

I find it pretty hard to set up decent shaders in 3Delight, I guess that’s just a matter of getting used to the new system though.

Have anyone produced good results with rendering hair yet?

@Michael W - I’ve seen that error before, it’s weird. I think it’s a bug in the python API but quite hard for me at least to narrow down what it is.

Re. instancing objects/groups/etc I’m currently working on archive support, which is basically a way of storing an object/group of objects in a separate file on disk so a) they don’t need to be exported each time and b) they don’t need to be exported each time for multiple instances of the same archive. This is pretty much a requirement before instancing type stuff, so after that’s done, particle/point/etc instancing should be pretty simple to implement in the exporter.

Thank you so much for this! It’s really nice to have a free renderman alternative when BI moves to cycles.

Thanks for the referance Tyrant,

Broken, that’s very good to hear!

One more question:
When I enable SSS it tells me i need a shader that supports SSS… Do any of the example shaders? (not found one yet!)

I’m quite pleased that so far it doesn’t require genius level shading skills though! clay, plastic, txtplastic and bumpy are all proving to cover the basics niceley!

Oh, and the bug… I get it almost every session… often many times…
I wonder if it’s related to me using a wacom for input and not recognising the “mouse up” in some way as the cursor moves from one context to another… (a wacom can jump instantly, a mouse cannot…) and it always happens when I’m working fast…

It’s a pure guess, but there’s almost always interacting with some kind of widget, a quick move and f12/esc…

I dunno… (clearly!)

@Michael W @ broken
don’t know how relative this is, but there was a bug in frigges script which was directly related to the f12 key. Does it always happen just after a render and have you tried avoiding the f12 key. could it be related to the old 2.5 bug which caused blender to hang when rendering to a new window.

Not sure about the default ones that come with 3dl, but here’s a very simple one I just knocked together if you want to play:

I’m quite pleased that so far it doesn’t require genius level shading skills though! clay, plastic, txtplastic and bumpy are all proving to cover the basics niceley!

My goal is still to provide a little pack of nice all-rounder shaders with the addon, it’s just a matter of finding time, which is in short supply :slight_smile:

re. that bug, when I was encountering it before, I made a little ‘blocking render’ operator as part of the addon to test if it was the threaded render that might be causing issues. You can run it in the search menu with ‘Blocking Render’ or assign it to a hotkey - it will just render to the current render result without updating the blender UI. It’s not very fun to use, but I’d be curious if the bug happens at all when using that operator or not.


How about testing 10 times with the pen in hand i close proximity to the tablet surface, and then testing 10 times with the pen moved so far from the surface that it no longer registers coordinates?

Sound really weird though, I can’t test it myself since my Intuos3 isn’t here right now

Regarding SSS, if I remember correctly 3delight comes bundled with a simple SSS example shader (simple.sl possibly), should be pretty straightforward to write yourself.
For something with a bit more flexible you might wanna take a look at the following link I stumbled upon, you need to bake point clouds though, it’s a Point Cloud Ubershader, quite extensive:

Loafmag, thanks for the link, will check k that out! Thanks Broken. Much appreciated.

10 times won’t cut it… it’s too random for that!
Using the blocking render operator I haven’t had the issue yet… will continue testing…

Had a weird bug where no textures would work yesterday too! Again I’ll nred to test more!