Amount of Connecting Edges

Hi Blenderarians!

I’m currently working on a character of mine, but I’m at a stage at which I would like to try and sculpt the character in another program (Sculptris) for a high-poly normal bake. This isn’t going as planned due to trouble with importing the .obj into Sculptris. I think I’ve found the problem, and it lies in the topology.

In the image that comes with this thread, I’ve selected a good vertex, pressed shift+G, and selected amount of connecting edges to be equal to that vertex. As you can see, some (a lot of) areas aren’t highlighted due to five or so faces being connected to the vertex.

Now to the actual question: how can I fix something like this? Do I have to go the long route and add edge loops and stuff like that? As you can see in the .blend file attached, it is rather messy (topology-wise) already.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but this is my first 3D model, which means I’ve had to redo the topology once already, stuff are all over the place, and I lack a lot of fundamental skills it seems.

Best Regards,


Alien43.blend (1.53 MB)

Sculptris is very fussy about what t imports - the topology must be perfect. Your model has a number of n-gons, a mix of tri’s and quads and some multiple faces. These can be found by, in edit mode, going select->faces-> greater than 4, as well as less than 4. Also select-> non manifold and deselect the boxes 1 at a time so you can identify what needs attention. You would need to clear those up before importing to Sculptris.

As to how to fix - that will depend on each piece of bad geometry - some you will have to delete, others need welding and others can be fixed but cutting in edges with the knife tool.

Why not do the sculpting in Blender? It has the same tools and settings - even more - as Sculptris.

I see… that is rather unfortunate, and I think there will be too much work to fix all of those problems – because of their numbers.

Well, why I want to use Sculptris is because it has felt more responsive to me, but I guess I haven’t played around enough with the settings in Blender yet! Blender has been a surprise in how well it works, so I’m sure it will deliver once more. Maybe dividing the character into different parts and then do subdivision on, and modeling, the different parts on their own would be the best.

Thank you for your reply, it is much appreciated that you took your time to help me.