want to learn game development and design

i AM A newbie here…want to learn game develoment …can anybody tell me how should i start learning game design and develoment…I am from computer science background…Want to start as soon as possible…also tell me what should be me starting point…

Thank you

good morning frends…have a great monday…i have started to gather resources…while your suggestions still needed…
thank you

I would suggest that you might wish to start by fooling-around with BGE. Seriously. The first thing that you need to grok is “how games basically work.” Within the Blender environment, and without leaving that environment, you can produce assets and turn them into a serviceable game.

Also, spend a lot of time in the “Games” related forum-sections here … when someone posts a game, grab it, and reverse-engineer it. (In other words, “figure out how the damn thing works!” :yes: ). It is always easier to study something that exists, and that is working. Why not now rip the guts out of the thing and, say, replace all the images?

When you move on to “real games,” there are many technologies and frameworks that you might use. Apple is doing many interesting things with its new Swift language, and I have spent a lot of time with the cross-platform OpenFL and Haxe languages.

But, once again, there is this cardinal rule:

Actum Ne Agas:

Do Not Do A Thing Already Done.

You (almost) always build your “new” game using some kind of framework that, though it does not do all of the work for you, does do everything possible that is “common to ‘a game.’” Every “thing already done” is done by the framework, and, in the open-source tradition, if you extend the framework in a new and useful way in the process of developing your game, you are obliged to “give back” to the framework.

All of the languages aforementioned have multiple game-frameworks. (BGE, itself, is a framework of sorts, although it is tied to Blender.) By identifying common game features and cooperatively pouring development-effort into it, “a rising tide lifts all boats.” 80% of the source-code in a game might be common to all games … (“been there, :ba:ed that”) … and it is the 20% that makes the difference.

Beyond that, my friend, “it’s time for swimming lessons.” Study the book on swimming, reverse-engineer existing work, then … it’s time to get into the water. (Stick to the shallow end, and wear your life vest, and tell someone else where you’re going in case all they see floating on the surface is your hat, but: get in.)

A famous-to-me developer, “David-I” of Borland International, used to write a regular column called, “A Sip from the Firehose.” You should expect a fire-hose experience. Keep a pencil-and-paper journal by your side and write down everything that slaps you in the face so that you can deal with it at your convenience. The waters of that swimming pool will be confusing, but only at first.

Enjoy! :slight_smile:

Coming from a computer science background, you have a massive advantage on most people. Understanding any programming language will give you a huge boost over the people going “What is this if-else thing?”

There are two tricks:

  1. Be stubborn. Your first game will be a flop, as will your second, as will yoru third. Your fourth will take several years and become a buggy unstable mess. By the fifth or sixth you’ll finally produce something servicable
  2. Start small. By small I mean really small. If you don’t think you can build it all in a weekend, don’t try it for your first few games. Making a MMORPG as your first game, forget it. My first games were variants on ‘push the other cube off the platform’ where one guy uses WSAD and the other uses arrow keys. Then I leaped in the deep end and made a massive game with multle player vehicles, multiple levels and some math I didn’t understand. Four years I worked on it before it was such a staggering pile of code I didn’t know what to do with it. After then, my games became fun. I learned the difference between complexity and fun. Very often the best games are simple concepts implemented well.

4000th post! Woop.

Processing is a good start to understand basic programming in a Java-like syntax. Java is nice a nice middle ground that will cover a lot of different concepts and Processing is good because of the visual feedback it provides. Plus there is a load of tutorials for Processing.

Yes i have good understanding of java c++ etc…Thank you guys for the advice

Does it always takes so long to get posted ? :frowning:

I would go with UE4 or unity for development, they’re both free. I would recommend UE4.

For the design part you can either try to remake a simplified part of some game, one part at a time, or you could come up with an idea of your own and try to create that. I think the most important thing is to try things out and change them if they don’t work (lots of iterations).

thnk yu guys for suggestion

There is a lot to be said for picking some framework (you can always change your mind) … grab some demo from their site, and sit down and actually attempt … :spin: … to build it and install it on an actual device which you own.

I-f you make it that far without … :ba: … reducing both your phone and your computer to a pile of bullet-holes … then you just might be crazy-enough to do this sort of thing professionally.

The next thing to do is to: “change something … anything.” Change just the appearance of it. Then, start looking at the logic. After making safe backups of everything you touch (or, learning about “git” version-control …), try to change the logic. Try to enhance the game in some small way.

Welcome to “taking a sip from the fire-hose.” Expect to feel :eek: most of the time, especially at first, and then to be re-introduced to that feeling whenever you start feeling a little big smug. It’s called “a learning curve,” and it can be steep.

But… it can also be captivating and fascinating. To make a machine play a game that you created, and to do it so well that anyone who encounters it has utterly no idea what you went through to make it, and, just because it is so well-made, they never will. I first got hooked on computer-programming (never-you-mind!) years ago, and I still feel that way.

thnkyu sundial
