Unexplicable to me...


I would appreciate your help on this, guys:

One armature, tree bones: center, pitch and roll.

“center” have two constrainst to copy the rotation in Z from “roll”, and in X for “pitch”.

If I rotate “roll” in Z (local) and then I rotate “center” in Y (also local), this last rotates o.k. on its local Y axis…


If I rotate “pitch” in X (local) and then I rotate “center” in Y (also local), this last WON’T rotate in its local Y axis… :confused:

I thougt it could be the constraits order, so I switched them, but the problem is always just with pitch (X).

file here:

Thanks in advance!

Constraints use rotation 4x4 rotation matrix. Your armature is using starting transformation matrix, not the one you are looking at in 3d view since you haven’t cleared the transforms. Then you have double up on the constraints which adds two matrix calculations. If you want to understand this a little more, here is a good reference. http://aligorith.blogspot.co.nz/2010/09/rigging-faq-constraints-and-rotations.html

Thanks!!! I’ll read the post carefully.