Repeat Actions?

is there a way to make action constraints cycle?

You can insert a cyclic modifier for the transform that makes your action constraint work. Or just manually copy and paste the keyframes for it.

no idea what was just said.
modifiers on bone transforms?

Basically I’d use a driver for when a repeat behaviour is happening. Not sure why that isn’t possible with actions.

I made a simple blend demonstrating how to repeat an action constraint.

cyclic action constraint.blend (411 KB)

The animation for the action_control bone is a simple three keyframe animation, 0 rotation, 63ish degree rotation (arbitrary, so the action is at the max 1.000 value) then back to 0 rotation.

The thing that’s making the action cyclic is the Cycles modifier in the graph editor. The modifier is added to the z rotation for the action_control bone.

The root bone with the action constraint is using the local z rotation from the action_control bone as the transform to influence the action.