Very bizarre - some icospheres in render look like triangles?

So I have been working on this little scene, trying to make a nice little bio-luminescent ocean bed type of thing. Anywho, I’ve been bashing my head up against the wall because I can’t seem to figure out why some of the icospheres I have in the scene render out looking like triangles. Makes no sense.
Also, a side-note which I can only dismiss as a very annoying bug… every time I scale the cube being used as the volume, Blender starts rendering the image. Why blender is initiating a render when I haven’t even hit the render button is beyond me.

I’ve attached an (ugly) render and the .blend file as well. The .blend is big - about 350MB. All of the yellow specs are icospheres in the viewport - but some of them show up as ugly/blurry triangles. If anyone could help me put a stop to this frustrating dilemma I would be forever grateful!

.blend file on my OneDrive

I’d suggest turning off the blur or scattering to get a real view of what is happening, hard to tell from a blurry little crop.

If I had to guess, I’d look into the material on the icosphere, if it is glossy and the mesh isn’t set to smooth, then those individual facets will catch the light and look like a bright triangle.

Downloading the file now, is there a good reason why it is over 300 meg?

ah, got it. check your camera settings, you have your bokeh blades set to 3. set this higher (6 or 7) and it will go away

Ahh, this worked. Thank you so much, you’re amazing

Moved from “General Forums > Blender and CG Discussions” to “Support > Lighting and Rendering”

Also marked as solved.