Looking for 3D Meshes for a Game Project!(UnderCrossing: Undertale X Animal Crossing)

So, I’ve decided to pick up the reigns and take on a new gaming project for an idea I’ve seen floating around the Undertale community that I think would be pretty damn cool to see actually made.

I’ve already got a game in the making that’s lasted for over two years now- so I’m pretty confident it won’t just fail and be forgotten!

The Details:

What I plan to do is mix the ideas of Toby Fox’s “Undertale” and Nintendo’s “Animal Crossing” into one game. The premise is, you, a human child, are moving out of your home to a mountainous village of monsters. The town will, by default, contain all of Undertale’s main cast(Sans, Papyrus, Toriel, Undyne, Alphys, etc.), whether as villagers, shopkeepers, musicians, barkeepers, etc, along with other random characters- these can be canon monsters or created specifically for UnderCrossing and resemble typical Animal Crossing characters.

This game will have many Animal Crossing-related elements, along with a nice Undertale cast as well as, possibly, an Undertale-esque backstory to the town as well as some form of plot.(But ultimately, still sandbox as Animal Crossing is meant to be.)

Of course, I am in need of meshes for the project. I myself can mesh, however I lack the proper skill in the style required and do need the help of others at times.

CONCEPTS: (None of these are mine, they are the concepts I had seen floating around that I based the project on.)


I either need permanent team members willing to work together in an established design team, or users willing to pitch in with a few models. For the latter,(both technically) this is what is needed.

-Sans(Yes, still a skeleton, not an animal.)
-Papyrus(Yes, still a skeleton, not an animal.)
-Greater Dog
-Lesser Dog
-Player Character(default hairstyle is Frisk, but alternate hairstyles are also needed- also wears Frisk’s clothes at the start of the game)
-The Townspeople of Snowdin
-Townspeople of everywhere else pretty much
-Any other random assortment of monster characters that people decide they’d like to make and allow the use of.


-Dogamy and Dogaressa