Can't remove modifier hotkey


I where trying out the Shortcut system in the Modifier tap. I accentually bound Middle mouse and Left mouse to Mirror and can not remove them now, I have tried to reinstall blender and load the factory settings.

Have any of you guys fund a fix for this ?

Changes gets saved in the startup.blend and the userpref.blend. Which stays at the system even after uninstalling Blender. So when you reinstall Blender then those settings gets used again. You would need to remove the whole Blender folder from the appdata folder to delete the settings.

But first the obvious thing that you could do.

When you modify the keymap then you will get a Restore button besides the section. See screenshot. This Restore button will even stay when you save the startup.blend or the user preferences. So in your case you should simply be able to click those Restore buttons, and save the user preferences again. And your hotkey problem should be gone.

Deleting the startup.blend and userpref.blend is a bit trickier. I assume that you are at Windows.

In Windows 7 have a look for this path here: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.76\config

There you will find the startup.blend and userpref.blend. And you can delete them there.

You could also simply delete the whole Blender Foundation folder. But then you will loose all your other stuff. Settings for older Blender versions, bookmarks, addons that you have installed meanwhile, etc. …


Thanks you so much for your reply !

For some odd reason, when you are editing shortcut through the Add Modifier list it wont create a restore button in the project settings.

Deleting the Startup and userpref files worked :slight_smile:

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Hm, could be a bug. I would report it and see what the Blender developers says :slight_smile:

For some odd reason, when you are editing shortcut through the Add Modifier list it wont create a restore button in the project settings.
If I add a shortcut to add a modifier I can remove it as expected with the Restore button or just individually with the X button

Hmmm, I never got a restore button, but may just be my fault.

did you find a solution to this ? i accidentally managed to do the same thin and now i cant revert it. i really dont want to revert on my startup and userpref files lol

Sorry no, I honestly had forgotten everything about this post.

Haha, np. Someone should really add this ass a bug / feature request i don’t imagine many people fall into this situation but it still exists lol