Just another nature scene


I have been using blender for about 10 months now and based on the linked tutorial below I have made this image in Blender and post processed it in GIMP. The goal has been to simply make a pleasing image to look at and learn as much as I can. I feel that it got some flaws and I got some plans to fix it but I would very much like to hear some feedback before I share my own thoughts.

Any comment or insight is welcome and dont be afraid to hurt my feelings. :slight_smile:

Link to tutorial


Just a 2 thoughts

  1. It’s too red
  2. Shadows don’t match with a sun position - I guess it is a sun we see over the hill. There is another strong light source somewhere behind the camera on right. Of course, there could be some artificial light source but it looks a bit weird.


Thanks a lot for your feedback! I agree with both of your points and especially the second one, I didnt really think about the direction of the light when I set it up so thanks a lot for pointing it out!

I have not had time to work more on this and I might be better of to just continue on with a new project and take what I learned from this one into the next.

What I think it is lacking is a clear focal element. I guess the pile of rocks in the foreground is the focal element but its not much to look at. I had a thought about making a path and put a figure on the horizon or something. But that will be something for the next project, and also more awareness when it comes to lighting. =)

Thanks again!

It does seem a bit red, but then perhaps that’s the look you want? The trick is to provide the visual cues that explain to our eyes why it is so red… we would expect to see long shadows at sunset or sunrise. So the question is where is the sun? Your image has some haze, so you could add “god rays” to show the direction of the sun and to match the direction of the shadows. “God rays” might also help to guide the eye to your focal point. Perhaps a creature, or some small treasure at the focal point… something to evoke an emotion.
I’d also suggest varying the length of the grass more - a few long seed heads and occasional flowers might help, particularly at the bottom of the tree where it joins the ground… actually, it might be good to think about adding roots to the tree, and add undulations to the ground where the roots go under.