Rigid Body Locations in Drivers?

I have been using blender on and off for the past few years and am wondering how I can use a rigid bodies’ location in a driver (as a variable). I am wanting to change an object’s location on the x axis based on a falling objects location on the z axis. Is there a way I can do this without baking to keyframes?

actually there are several ways how to do this - and using drivers is not the easiest one.

For example you can simply use the “transformation”-constraint:

  • Add the transformation-constraint (in the “chain”-tab) to your x-axis-moving cube (target of your operation)
  • select as “target” in the constraint your falling cube
  • change the values of “Source Z” to the (z-)range your object falls and need to affect the x-axis of the other cube
  • map the Z-axis to the X-axis
  • change the values of “Destination X” to the (x-)range your cube should move in

If you want to archieve this with drivers, simply reply and I will add the needed infos.

