Scaling rotation via empty

I have a question - is there a way to increase a degree of rotation via empties?

I have a part with custom data block, which is rotated around a hardcoded handle by defined angle - by approx. 3 degrees. I want to rotate it around the pivot point by 90 degrees.

So i want to parent the part to a empty and the empty to the hardcoded handle - but how can i increase the rotation factor of this empty?

Any help will be appreciated.

It sounds like your working with the Game Engine…

So I’m not sure if this applies to the GE…



RMB on any field in the Empty and a popup menu comes up select “Add a Driver”

then go to the ‘graph editor’ window…
on the bottom tool bar and where it says “F-curv”…
change that to “Driver”… then press ‘N’ to bring up the Right hand tool bar menu… there you will find a place to input a formual into the driver… such as Var * 6 +1 … etc…

also I may be missunderstanding what it is your trying to do…
it might need you to just ‘Apply’ your rotation on your object…

Thank you! I will try this today. It’s also my fault of not providing more information, that it is a imported car model from ZModeler - i wanted to make a rotating lights for a GTA car.

The “light_cover” empty is a imported bone, which is supposed to rotate 90°, but the game code only rotates it by 6°. Meanwhile, i tried a crude workaround by parenting multiple empties on each other copying the rotation angle of its respective parent.
By placing them in the same coordinates, i was able to modify the angle - but ultimately failed, as the file had to retain its exclusive bone structure for export back in game.

If i can manage to apply Driver to this “light_cover” or its replacement, which, i hope, may fool the code of GTA V…it could work.

Sorry I’ve taken so long to respond back I have had a bit of the Flu here of times of late…

Instead of using Empties I would use Bones… you can Parent as many bones on top of each other as you want…

Unfortunately, GTA won’t recognize any other bones, than the ones which were already there, means, somehow i have to add some kind of multiplicator to the rotation. And so far, i have failed to find out, how it works with drivers.

Not sure if you will get all the blender animation tools to work with GTA…
I can’t seem to find much about it in any searches on the net…

would be interesting to find out however…

here’s some guys talking about GTA 4…

you might try contacting them via private message to see if they know more about it…