proposal when linking modifiers

Hi! I usually use that feature of linking materials, modifiers, object-data,etc. I observed, that in the case of modifiers, it copy all the modifiers. But so often you only need to copy a single modifier. So would be very cool the chance to link a specific modifier. thks

I admit it’s kind of saddening that this isn’t already present but I’m sure there’s a reason for it
but I support

You can sort of do this already. Holding Alt while adjusting modifier attributes adjust that attribute in that modifier(depending on order of stacking) in every selected object.

Cause Ton was busy with wireframe mode?

Could not resist.

This is a cool idea and I think with modifier nodes we will get close to it.

For what it’s worth, this is already possible if you enable the Copy Attributes add-on.

Also, it’s worth noting that the Modifiers option really doesn’t belong in the ‘Make Links’ menu, since it’s not really making linked modifiers, but instead copying them. I think that there was intent in the past to actually make modifiers linkable datablocks, but that feature was never finalized.

Yeah what was all that gunk about wireframes in tons presentation,
I agree with the rest of the stuff but come on -.-

Oh right,
Copy attributes add on can do that, forgot about that

Linkable datablocks does sound like a useful feature
I thought the blender foundation get rids of any incomplete code…
you know this is the sort of stuff that makes blender seem kind of unprofessional at times.