Visual (Echo, Mirror) Effects and generating a morph

Hello Blenderartist-Community,

I recently watchted the video Never Knew - Sunken Foal Ft.Si Schroeder by Kevin McGloughlin on Vimeo (
Kevin McGloughlin decribes his post processing under his video, so it’s quite easy to understand what he actually did (in AE).
Then I ask myself : Can you do that in Blender?


That looks really cool! There are a number of ways to do this but Blender doesn’t do very well at temporal effects, that is grabbing alternate frames from one source of video. In the VSE you would stack them vertically but then you have to alter each strip’s position. In the compositor you would need multiple input nodes with offset frame values (scriptable) but you also need to move every input.

Doing it in 3D space is probably best but you have a problem spawning multiple planes with offsets (also scriptable). I would arrange the planes in a ring and fly the camera around the centre that way you may only need to generate dozens instead of hundreds.

Here is an example:

And a test blend file -
test_echo_ring.blend (608 KB)

test_echo_ring01.blend (673 KB)Played some more to make it more flexible, theres a camera tracker object and the ability to add twist to the image plane as well as more iterations of that plane.

Remember that you must place your own movie loop into the Plane texture.