LibLoad appears to ignore layer system.

When I LibLoad “Scene”, it appears to ignore the used layer system. It means that all layers of the LibLoaded scene are visible. How to make objects keep scene hierarchy?

I also don’t know how this exactly works, but if you save your (to be LibLoaded) blend like this:

then your game will load everything to a inactive layer.

Hm… Really? But if I save it like that there are objects around multiple layers and have few of them active? Why does it load them all as being active?

For me lib load works well, visible layers are visible and objects on hidden layer will loaded as objects on hidden layer.
I use Blender 2.76, which version of blender do you use?

That’s the normal behavior of LibLoad:

  1. In the main file (the one that LibLoad) the objects of the loaded files are loaded inside the scene where the script is running from.

  2. Objects in inactive layers are loaded as inactive objects, what is great as you can later add them with addObject.