Game Developing Team Needs YOU!

Hello there. My name is Jamie (A.K.A MrMister518). I am the founder of Syntech Gaming. We are a team of people that wish to make good quality games. We currently have a team of roughly 12. Everyone is all friendly and dedicated. However, we are on search of more people to help us make our games. That is why we need you!

Roles Available:
Texture Artists

(You will be given full credit for your work and any skill level is allowed)


Q: Why should I join?
A: You will be able to build a strong portfolio, gain new skills and if our games ever get sold, you will be given your fair share of the profit.

Q: How old do I have to be?
A: It doesn’t matter how old you are. However, you do need to be mature enough to socialise with others.

Q: Are we making any games yet?
A: Not yet. We are currently planning our storyline, characters etc. You will be able to put down your ideas.

What is the game going to be like?
We are going to make a horror game using Unreal Engine 4. It will be on computer but we may aim for an ios version.

How do I join?
We have a form which can be filled out. Go to this links nd fill out the form of you wish to join:

Progress so far:
We have quite a few members and have brilliant modellers and texture artists. We have began the modelling and texturing stage of the process. We have a dedicated team who are very friendly and hardworking. We have a story ready too along with a few models all ready.

Hope you join!

this is so discouraging… the “if” part …

Well I can’t guarantee that they WILL be sold. Would you rather me be honest in my posts or say things that could possibly not happen? Think before actually giving out your comments.

Well I can’t guarantee they will sell. So would you rather me be honest with my post or just pretend they definitely will when there’s a chance it may not happen? Think before commenting next time.

So, m_squared, you would prefer me to be dishonest with my post? You would prefer me to say: “You WILL DEFINITELY get paid”. I’m being honest. Think next time before commenting on my post.

Would you rather me be dishonest with my post and say that we WILL DEFINITELY sell when there’s a chance we may not?

This title is misleading. One, You are not a gaming studio. Two, “Syntech Gaming” is already a registered company and I am pretty sure not by you.

Zebrakiller… One, what would you prefer me to call this? Something that sounds silly? Two, there isn’t… Do you really think I’m gonna take a name without researching? There’s an eight year old CS:GO clan… There’s Syntec… But no SYNTECH GAMING…

Syntech is a name used by all kind of compainies, maybe it’s a group? But there doesn’t seem to be any relation beetwen them. In any case I’m sure that you can be more original than that.

My other point is, you have 2 options. To be a studio that makes multiple little games, or to be a studio that makes one big one. You must decide, and you must specify the kind of game/s you plan to do. (Will you focus on puzzle games? Platform games? A big RPG game? Shooter?). The better you specify it the more people will be interested, but of course don’t make the mistake to only speak about the story. Most of the time things like the software you’ll use, the license you’ll use and the mechanics of the game are even more interesting. An introduction about youself would also be good. If you add your age and your country only that would make the post look more honest and serious (unless you’re 14). Your previous experience with BGE and game deveopment would also improve the chances to attract people, or if not yours the experience of the members of your team.

I also recommend you to choose well the engine you’re gona use. Don’t make an android game with unity/unreal or a big 3D desktop game in libGDX. For desktop games Unity, Unreal are good options, but if you’re sure to make it in BGE at least use BGECore.

PD: From that list I would exclude music artists. Music is something that you don’t need until the game is almost finished and at that point, if your game looks good, finding an excelent music artist will be easy.

Mhm…You do have a good point. Well we’ve already got as much music artists as we’d need. We’re either gonna use unity or unreal. We may make an ios or android but we’ll aim for desktop most importantly.

You can buy sound effects from me anytime, checkout my sig.

Lol, this thread is misleading. This isn’t even a game studio. If it was a game studio, you’d be able to atleast afford PAID artists. You’re probably a bunch of kids that got together and decided to make a game, and have a bunch of ambitious ideas. One of you has likely made a ‘hello world’ script in Java, thinking he can program and that it’s easy. As soon as you try to get started, you’ll realize you know absolutely nothing and your entire group is falling apart.

And you’re saying you’ll use either Unreal or Unity… You’re getting together a group to make a game without even knowing what engine you’re using.

Blender 4 evah

So ovicior, I accept you are entitled to your opinion. But the thing is my team is very experienced. And no, we’re not just a bunch of kids. We are of course ambitious but if we weren’t we wouldn’t get anywhere. So I’d rather you not judge on us before you even know about our progress. We’ve got an idea for our game already and we have produced some models in which are textured that are high quality.

If you don’t want people to judge you before they know about your progress, then you should probably post how much you have done so far. People are far more likely to help out on a project that they see has already made some significant progress rather than being told about an interesting idea they have and asking others for help. You can probably see some examples of this by taking a quick glance at the volunteer board where a lot of people have done this exact same thing. That said, I wish you good luck on making your games.

Hey mate, on the positive side of things, good luck with it all. Like said above, work on a bit already with what you have and once you’re a few months in, or weeks depending on your rate of work, show it off and see if anyone is interested. People like knowing that a team is willing to put in the effort to actually create something.