Bge and chill anyone? (Massachusetts South)

Hello, I am interested in meeting singles – I mean – I am interested in meeting people who use blender game engine in Massachusetts, preferably Greater New Bedford Area/ Providence, RI. There is a game dev group in RI but its more centered with fawning over successful developers, sitting around the bar, and playing some rock band type game. I am not interested in socializing and being like ‘organize a thingy, have a speaker, blah blah waste time’ I just want to get a group together who will nerd the f out on the bge, throw ideas back and forth about our proejcts, and really progress towards finishing projects. I am sure there is some group of people like this at brown university doing game jams and stuff but I have no idea how to penetrate their secretive layer.

I am not doing this with an intention of ‘sharing services’ ie: modeling for texturing for coding, etc although I am not against it cause that stuff would happen organically, more just like creating a regular work group to ‘compete’ with one another.

I didn’t specify this before, but IRL, not remote, or IRL first, then remote