Parenting A Bone To 3 Vertices?

Just wondering if it’s possible to parent a bone in an armature to 3 vertices. I can parent the whole armature as an object, but I’d like to do an individual bone. Can it be done, and if so, how?

set the 3 vertices as a vertex group and assign that group to the bone

Where do I do that?

Select the bone in pose mode.
Shift select the object, go in edit mode select 3 or 1 vertecies ctrl.+P make vertex parent.

Okay thanks, I’ll try again, since this hasn’t seemed to work. I must be selecting something in the wrong order or something.

It wont work. The bone will change to object mode.
You can try using a empty and put a child of constraint on the bone to follow the empty and parent the bone to the 3 verts.

sorry my mistake i explained it wrong. parent the mesh to the bone with ctrl-p as normal but choose with empty groups, instead of automatic weights. go into mesh edit mode and select the vertex group for the required bone, select the three vertices you want to assign then click the assign button in the vertex groups panel.